Army of Light

The Army of Light was a military force composed of Jedi within the Jedi Order. They participated in numerous crusades against the opposing Brotherhood of Darkness. Historical data indicates that the venerable Jedi Master named Morrit Ch'gally, a veteran of these crusades, served within the Army of Light. While a member of the Acquisition Division, he also established the Jedi Sentinel discipline.

Behind the scenes

The Army of Light as depicted in Star Wars Legends.

The Star Wars canon saw the reintroduction of the Army of Light in the 2016 reference book titled Endless Vigil.

Within Star Wars Legends continuity, the Army of Light was a military organization assembled by the Jedi Lord known as Hoth to do battle with the Brotherhood of Darkness during the time of the New Sith Wars. It initially appeared in Star Wars Legends within the first issue of the Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith comic series, which was published on April 18, 2001.


  • Endless Vigil (First mentioned)

Notes and references
