A Jedi Sentinel was a designation for one of the three unique philosophical schools within the Jedi Order, striving for equilibrium between the other two: the Consulars and the Guardians. While exhibiting significant fighting prowess and possessing a broad understanding of the Force, Sentinels merged the teachings of both other schools, augmenting them with skills unrelated to the Force, such as expertise in security, computer systems, covert operations, demolitions, repair work, or medical science. These proficiencies often took precedence in their balanced approach to resolving issues; in contrast to a Guardian who might forcibly break open a locked door or a Consular who might simply use the Force to open it, a Sentinel would instead employ available tools or clever methods to pick the lock. The Sentinel's function within the Jedi Order remained largely consistent throughout its existence, and this branch of study was first documented by the Sentinel Jedi recruiter Morrit Ch'gally in the book The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.
The spirit of the Jedi Sentinel had always been present in the Jedi Order, with numerous Guardians and Consulars developing a strong connection to the Galactic Republic, the entity which the Order was sworn to protect. These Jedi were more inclined toward service, favoring urban areas over secluded temples, and crowds over solitude. Jedi Knights pursued the Sentinel path as a specialized area within their chosen discipline, similar to how a Consular might specialize as a healer or a Guardian might aspire to become a Peacekeeper.

The precise moment when the Sentinels evolved into a distinct discipline, rather than a specialization within an existing school, remains unclear. However, some historians consider Master Morrit Ch'gally as the founder of this practical discipline. Ch'gally, a member of the Army of Light and a Jedi recruiter within the Acquisition Division, believed that the differences between his philosophy and those of the Guardians and Consulars were significant enough to justify a separate branch of study. Fueled by Ch'gally's vision, Sentinels thrived in the post-war period following the Ruusan Reformations and spread throughout the galaxy, becoming some of the Order's most recognizable figures. Many served as independent law enforcers and were respected as Jedi who could be approached with any problem. When the Galactic Empire rose to power at the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Sentinels suffered fewer losses compared to other Jedi serving the Order. This was due to their ability to blend in, their avoidance of temples, and their tendency to operate in urban environments. Nevertheless, those who survived the execution of Order 66 were relentlessly pursued by the Inquisitors of the Empire. Because of the local populace's familiarity with them, the Sentinels were easily and eagerly betrayed by opportunists seeking to gain credibility with the new Empire. While many perished during the Great Jedi Purge, others retreated into the depths of the cities they served, becoming anonymous vigilantes operating in the shadows.
While mastering all the conventional techniques and abilities that defined the Jedi, the Sentinels of the Order found their isolation within the Jedi Temple to be a disadvantage if they were expected to effectively interact with the citizens of the galaxy. Although devoted to the Force and its potential, Sentinels were not blinded by faith and acknowledged the limitations of this mystical energy field. Typically choosing missions that required them to remain in a single location for extended periods, Sentinels undertook assignments that were not well-suited for the other Jedi branches.

The lightsabers of Sentinels, rarely ignited, typically emitted a yellow blade. Fewer in number, Sentinels did not have superior titles like Sage or Warrior Masters, as the other two branches did. Instead, they concentrated on the diverse skills required for success as a Sentinel. Renowned for practicing more specialized Force techniques, a form of Force Immunity was a favored ability among members of this class. By combining Force-based training with enhanced mental conditioning, this ability allowed them to better resist external mental influences, including Force-based attacks. The most notable Jedi Sentinel who served the Galactic Republic during the Jedi Civil War was Bastila Shan. While still a Padawan, she mastered the ancient and challenging art of Battle meditation, effectively using it during the defeat, capture, and redemption of the fallen Jedi Revan.
During the Great Galactic War, the Cold War and the Galactic War, the term "Sentinel" referred to Jedi Knights who specialized in wielding dual lightsabers and utilizing the Jar'Kai variant of Shii-Cho, Ataru and Juyo.
Despite the fact that numerous other Jedi classes were hunted to extinction during the Great Jedi Purge, Darth Sidious personally suspected that many survivors were Sentinels due to their tendency to serve on remote worlds, their ability to integrate more easily into society, and their secretive nature. Their teachings and ideals persisted through a recovered version of The Jedi Path. While the New Jedi Order did not initially reinstate the title, their roles were assumed by the new Jedi filling out the Order. Grandmaster Luke Skywalker considered Masters Kam Solusar and Kyle Katarn to be exemplary figures of what that role represented. As of 137 ABY, while the Third Jedi Purge was still underway, the Order had begun to use the title, although many were killed during the reign of Darth Krayt. The surviving Sentinels felt personally responsible for failing to foresee the resurgence of the Sith menace and began to hunt down members of the One Sith in an attempt to rebuild the galaxy and the Order.
Sentinels specialized in a variety of fields, some with honorifics within the Order, others with skills found among professionals in the broader civilization. By applying their abilities to the crafts of the slicer, technician, spy, and security expert, Sentinels also took on very specific titles within the Order.

Seeking to comprehend creativity as a fundamental aspect of the Force's will, the craft pursued by Jedi artisans typically manifested in the construction of lightsabers and holocrons. Possessing an innate skill with tools and machines, artisans combined their connection to the Force with their mechanical expertise to guide their use of tools, creating truly artistic and unique objects.
Operating as specialized trackers and even spies, Jedi Investigators collaborated closely with law enforcement to track down criminals and uncover the truth behind crimes. Going undercover for extended periods, investigators should not be confused with their Shadow counterparts, as the role of an investigator primarily focused on crime, as opposed to Dark Side Adepts.
Serving as members of the Acquisition Division of the Order, Jedi recruiters refined the skills learned from Jedi Investigators to locate and identify Force-sensitives to assess their suitability for the Jedi Order. Republic law mandated that all newborns undergo testing, with the names of potential candidates being recorded in the Division's prized Kyber memory crystal. After the child reached a few months of age, the Order would dispatch a recruiter to test the child and determine if they met the qualifications to begin training on the Jedi Path.

A highly respected and secretive group of Jedi, the Shadows went further than the Investigators in their pursuit of truth. Working closely with the Council of First Knowledge, the Shadows sought out and destroyed all traces of the Dark side of the Force and its followers. While not always present at the Temple, the Shadows were based in the Temple Precinct and reported back as frequently as their mission allowed. Additionally, they were permitted to study and wield Dark Side Force Powers beyond what was typically allowed for a Jedi Knight.

Anonymous sentinels serving as the security force, reporting to Jedi Master Cin Drallig, who oversaw the Temple's security detail. They wore formal robes and identity-concealing masks, representing the ultimate expression of emotional detachment required in service to a higher calling. Temple Guards carried imposing lightsaber pikes—thick, double-bladed weapons that produced a rare and distinctive yellow blade.
The Jedi Watchmen were individuals who chose to work independently, overseeing peace on a single planet or system. Focusing on improving society and protecting the rights of a system for years at a time, they became a crucial link between the planetary government and the Jedi High Council.

Many Jedi Sentinels resided at the Jedi Temple, using their skills as needed and providing assistance to local law enforcement. The Technical division of the Order was staffed by tech experts who specialized in the maintenance of droids and other mechanicals, a rare skill among the generally anti-droid members of the Order. Developing a special technique known as mechu-deru, many were able to perceive the intuitiveness behind the complex structures that comprised droids.
Security experts and slicers maintained their skills at the Temple by running through practice courses designed to test their abilities and the skills of their trade. Without the Force to assist them, these two skills were largely developed through unassisted training and the gift of years of hard work. The quartermaster of the Jedi Temple worked to ensure that all Jedi equipment had been updated and that the storehouse at the Temple was always stocked with the latest technology.
The term Jedi Sentinel originated solely for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic as one of the Jedi starting classes, and only later appeared in the pen-and-paper Saga Edition of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game as a Talent Tree for the Jedi class. This class is primarily identified by its use of yellow lightsaber blades. In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, the prestige class corresponding to Jedi Sentinel is Jedi Watchman; its dark-side counterpart is Sith assassin. The Jedi Watchman class also appears in other Legends works, such as the Tales of the Jedi comics and others. The class presumably became official in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic series alongside Jedi Guardian and Consular.
The Star Wars Miniatures set Champions of the Force uses Visas Marr to represent the Jedi Sentinel class. Although she was the Sith apprentice to Darth Nihilus, she was still of the Sentinel class and later redeemed, becoming an apprentice to Meetra Surik.
Star Wars Galaxies featured two hidden Jedi Enclaves on Yavin 4, one aligned with the dark side and one with the light. The Jedi of Galaxies could utilize these as meeting locations. Each enclave was guarded by two CL 500 Jedi Sentinels, one dark and one light, who served as protectors for the meetings should an opposing side attempt to disrupt them. Starting at Chapter 7, the Sentinels were removed, and the enclaves served as sites for those who wished to view the ruins of both.
The Jedi Sentinel is an advanced class for the Jedi Knight class in the Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO video game. This advanced class specializes in the use of dual lightsabers and dealing greater damage in battle. The Imperial counterpart for this archetype is the Sith Marauder.