A Human female named Olee Starstone was a Padawan who received instruction from both Jedi librarian Jocasta Nu and later Jedi Master Bol Chatak. This occurred as the Galactic Republic was nearing its end, during its final years. She wielded a blue lightsaber, possessed physical fitness, and demonstrated strong research and historical abilities, mirroring her initial Master's talents.
Olee Starstone gained admittance to the Jedi Order and spent her formative years within the Jedi Temple. There, she was chosen to become the Padawan of Jocasta Nu, who held the title of Chief Librarian. Starstone aspired to eventually take Nu's place within the Jedi Archives. In 22 BBY, not long before the First Battle of Geonosis, she embarked on a mission to Eriadu to broaden her experiences. It was on this mission that she first encountered Bol Chatak, a Master.
The Jedi Council requested that Starstone be transferred to Chatak in 21 BBY, making her Chatak's Padawan. This decision stemmed from the Council's belief that athletic and skilled young Jedi were needed more on the battlefields of the Clone Wars than within the Jedi Temple.
Two years later, specifically in 19 BBY, Starstone and Chatak were included among a group of six Jedi who journeyed to Murkhana, which was one of the many locations involved in the Outer Rim Sieges. They were accompanied by Jedi Master Roan Shryne, who had grown disillusioned and bitter after losing his former Master and two Padawans earlier in the war, and had also diminished his connection to the Force. Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor, along with Republic High Command, had determined that winning over the Separatists' hearts and minds was the most effective strategy for securing Murkhana, granting the Corporate Alliance several weeks to surrender before launching their attack. However, during this period, the Separatists seized the opportunity to introduce anti-laser aerosols into the planet's atmosphere, designed to disperse blaster fire.
The Battle of Murkhana eventually commenced, lasting for more than three weeks. Starstone and Chatak, along with Shryne and Clone Commander Salvo, boarded a wing of LAAT/i gunships that departed from the Star Destroyer named the Gallant. Their target was a Corporate Alliance landing platform situated in Murkhana City, and after landing, they engaged in combat throughout the city. Starstone, Chatak, and Shryne accompanied Ion Team, a clone commando unit under the leadership of Captain Climber, to the deflector shield generator responsible for protecting the landing platform. During the battle to destroy the generator, Shryne saved Climber's life by providing him with his lightsaber to eliminate an attacking mercenary. Ultimately, the group succeeded in their mission, causing the landing platform's defenses to collapse.
Without any prior indication, Palpatine initiated Order 66, sending it to all clone troopers across the galaxy. The other three Jedi present on Murkhana were swiftly ambushed and killed by Salvo and his troops, but Climber and Ion Team refused to comply with the order. Unconvinced that the Jedi had betrayed the Republic, they devised a plan to aid in the escape of their Jedi Generals. When Salvo and his men set up an ambush for the remaining Jedi, Climber decided to confront his fellow clones, effectively creating a counter-ambush. While the commandos refrained from killing their brothers, the resulting confusion was significant, enabling Starstone and the others to flee the city.
Subsequently, the Jedi disguised themselves as mercenaries, hoping to leave the planet alongside the retreating Separatist forces. With all the droid armies of the Confederacy deactivated by Darth Vader, the new Sith apprentice, the clones on the planet shifted their focus to rounding up the mercenaries instead. The Jedi allowed themselves to be captured, intending to escape at a later opportunity, and were transported to a transport bound for a prison located on Agon Nine. However, Vader himself arrived on the planet, seeking the clones who had reportedly assisted the Jedi in escaping. Starstone and the others witnessed Vader confronting the commandos, accusing them of treason. Climber accepted responsibility for his team's actions, asserting that his actions were justified and labeling Vader as a "lapdog of the Emperor". Enraged, Vader ignited his lightsaber, and Ion Team drew their weapons to defend themselves. They fired upon the Sith, but Vader skillfully deflected the bolts back at them, resulting in the deaths of two clones. Climber and his teammate, Trace, managed to escape into a nearby treeline, disappearing into the forest.
Seeing an opportunity to eliminate a threat to the galaxy and an assassin of Jedi, Master Chatak activated her concealed lightsaber and revealed her identity to Vader. She attacked him, and the two former allies engaged in a duel, during which Chatak managed to wound one of Vader's cybernetic arms. However, Vader ultimately proved too powerful, and he decapitated Chatak. Following Chatak's demise, Vader scanned the crowd of prisoners, his gaze settling on Starstone, but he was fortunately distracted before he could confront her. Shryne then employed a mind trick to facilitate Starstone's and his escape from the prison transport, allowing them to once again attempt to flee the city. However, it wasn't long before Commander Appo discovered that two prisoners were missing from their initial count, and the clone deduced that these two were, in fact, the missing Jedi.
Shryne reached out to an old associate, Cash Garrulan, a Twi'lek crime lord. Garrulan, a former Black Sun vigo and an informant for the Jedi Order, agreed to assist the two fugitives. He arranged for the Dead Ringer to serve as a decoy, complete with two Humans hidden on board, while providing Starstone and Shryne with a CloakShape fighter to depart the planet. Starstone and Shryne successfully escaped Murkhana, with the newly established Galactic Empire in pursuit.
Starstone and Shryne eventually met up with the Drunk Dancer, captained by Shryne's mother, Jula. The smugglers' ship's young slicer, Filli Bitters, immediately began flirting with Starstone, and Shryne, who had already abandoned his life as a Jedi, was disappointed that she ignored Bitters due to her strict adherence to the Jedi Code.
In contrast to the intentions of Jedi like Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Starstone took the initiative to gather survivors of the Great Jedi Purge, rather than Shryne. By this point, Shryne had even discarded his lightsaber, intending to embrace the life of a smuggler. However, Jula was more enthusiastic about helping the young Jedi, and she and Starstone searched planets such as Boz Pity and Felucia for survivors of the purge, but found none. Eventually, Starstone did manage to locate other survivors, assembling Jedi such as Siadem Forte, Iwo Kulka, and Forte's Padawan, Deran Nalual, as well as two young Jedi from the Agricultural Corps, Jambe Lu and Nam Poorf. The Jedi soon decided to travel to Kashyyyk, hoping to find a sign of Jedi Masters such as Yoda or Quinlan Vos.
Unbeknownst to the Jedi, Palpatine and Vader were fully aware of their plans and orchestrated a trap to achieve multiple objectives. Wilhuff Tarkin, a Moff, would exploit the presence of Jedi on the planet to invade and enslave the native Wookiees, who were resisting the transition of the Republic into an Empire. The invasion commenced almost immediately upon the Jedi's arrival on the planet, and Vader and Commander Appo descended into the Wookiee villages to confront the Jedi directly. Realizing they had been lured into a trap, Starstone and the others launched a counterattack alongside the Wookiees, eliminating numerous stormtroopers. While Forte and Kulka engaged Appo and his men, Vader dueled Starstone, and witnessing the Dark Lord's power, the other Jedi joined the fray, hoping to overwhelm him. Vader severed Lu's right arm, Poorf's right leg, and decapitated Forte and Kulka in a single strike, leaving Starstone to face him alone. She held her own against the more formidable duelist, but soon neared defeat. At that moment, Shryne joined the battle, drawing Forte's lightsaber to himself and killing Appo.
Shryne challenged Vader to a duel, allowing the younger Jedi to escape. Starstone, along with their Wookiee ally, Chewbacca, assisted Lu and Poorf in fleeing the scene of the battle, boarding the Drunk Dancer and leaving Kashyyyk behind. Shryne dueled Vader alone, and through a prolonged battle filled with various offensive and defensive maneuvers, managed to hold off the Sith Lord for a time. Eventually, Vader overwhelmed Shryne by hurling dozens of objects at him simultaneously, inflicting grievous wounds. While Vader attempted to mock Shryne for his defeat, Shryne retorted that he should thank Vader for reuniting him with the Force.
Following Shryne's death, Starstone recognized that she could no longer openly live as a Jedi and should emulate Kenobi and Yoda by retreating into anonymity for the time being. Allowing herself to form attachments, she joined the crew of the Drunk Dancer, alongside Chewbacca. Starstone pledged to fight the Empire in any subtle way she could.
Olee Starstone possessed a deep commitment to the Jedi Order and refused to let the Jedi spirit die out. Initially, she opposed the idea of the Jedi hiding from the Sith, but she later came to the realization that she could no longer live openly as a Jedi and went into hiding. During her duel with Darth Vader, she briefly tapped into her rage but then regained her composure, even as Vader encouraged her to embrace her anger.
Her master, Bol Chatak, and Roan Shryne both noted her inquisitive nature and quick wit, as she rapidly presented several theories regarding the clones' betrayal and Vader's identity.
Filli Bitters considered Starstone to be an attractive girl, but her dedication to the Jedi Code prevented her from reciprocating his feelings. However, she eventually allowed herself to form attachments, embracing and weeping with Jula over Roan's death.
Despite her youth, Starstone was an athletic and skilled Jedi. Even as a Padawan, she managed to hold her own against Darth Vader, notably being the last Jedi standing before Roan Shryne arrived to rescue them.
In addition to her skills as a duelist, Starstone showed promise as a Jedi researcher, having previously been the Padawan of Chief Librarian Jocasta Nu.