Roan Shryne

Roan Shryne was a Jedi Master of the Human male variety. He served the Jedi Order throughout the Clone Wars, managing to evade the initial execution of Order 66 for a short time. He fought with a lightsaber that emitted a blue blade.


Early life

Weytta was the planet where Roan came into the world, born to Jen and Jula Shryne. Against Jula's wishes, Jen made the decision to give up their son to the Jedi when Roan was a little over three years old. Jula left Jen as a result of this choice.

Life as a Jedi

Around 48 BBY, Roan experienced his first taste of real combat while serving as the Padawan to Jedi Master Nat-Sem. During his early days of training at the Jedi Temple, Roan showed a natural aptitude for sensing the Force within others. He was encouraged to pursue a path that would have led him to the Jedi Acquisition Division. After becoming a Jedi Knight, Roan received an offer to join the Division, which was responsible for bringing Force-sensitive children to the Jedi Temple. However, he declined the offer because he felt uneasy about taking children away from their families. Shryne eventually became one of the Jedi referred to as the "Old Guard," those considered likely candidates for the Jedi High Council, a position he never achieved.

Shortly before the Clone Wars began, Roan embarked on his first of many missions to Murkhana, a planet located near his homeworld of Weytta. His goal was to take down the crime lord Cash Garrulan. However, Garrulan ended up becoming a Jedi informant and developed a sort of friendship with Roan. He returned to the Outer Rim world on numerous occasions during the Clone Wars, eventually finding himself back there in 19 BBY, fighting alongside Commander Salvo just hours before the end of the Clone Wars and the issuing of Order 66.

Roan was a member of the Jedi strike team that participated in the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY. During the battle, Roan witnessed the death of his former mentor, Nat-Sem, as well as his first Padawan. His second Padawan was killed during the Battle of Manari in 19.5 BBY. By the time the Clone Wars came to an end, Roan had lost faith in both the Force and the Jedi High Council. He became a sarcastic and bitter individual, and his connection to the Force weakened, making it difficult for him to use even basic powers. He relied primarily on his experience and skill.

Roan fought in the Battle of Deko Neimoidia alongside the 22nd Air Combat Wing, which included the Republic commandos of Ion Team. He earned the respect of Captain Climber through their shared experiences fighting CIS forces in various campaigns. Roan Shryne was among the six Jedi who took part in the Battle of Murkhana, which was part of the Outer Rim Sieges in 19 BBY. At the time, the Galactic Republic was searching for Grievous after his "failed" kidnapping of Palpatine. During the battle, Shryne saved Captain Climber's life while they were conducting reconnaissance of a crucial medcenter that housed a targeted shield generator. Climber later returned the favor by intentionally misdirecting an ambush, following Commander Salvo's orders, which would have otherwise resulted in the deaths of Masters Roan Shryne and Bol Chatak, along with Padawan Olee Starstone, thus saving them from the initial wave of Order 66.

Order 66 and the Jedi Purge

Shryne confronted Darth Vader on Kashyyyk.

The trio made the decision to be captured by the Galactic Empire while disguised as mercenaries from the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS). However, they encountered Darth Vader before they could leave Murkhana. During a duel initiated by Bol Chatak, Vader demonstrated his overwhelming power by bringing Chatak to her knees before decapitating her.

Fortunately for Shryne and Starstone, Vader was distracted, allowing them to escape Imperial custody with the help of Shryne's use of a mind trick on an unsuspecting clone trooper. With the assistance and some trickery from Cash Garrulan, the Jedi managed to escape Murkhana aboard a CloakShape fighter.

Eventually, they met up with the Drunk Dancer, which was captained by Shryne's biological mother, Jula Shryne. Starstone took charge of gathering survivors of the Great Jedi Purge, rather than Shryne. Shryne abandoned the Jedi way of life and joined his mother's smuggling crew, trading in his lightsaber and use of the Force for a blaster and his own cunning.

Shryne attempted to assist the crew in transporting Senator Fang Zar from Alderaan to Sern Prime as their first smuggling job together. However, Zar was killed by Vader, who also injured Jula with a saber throw.

Despite his attempts to embrace a new life and remain hidden, as suggested by the Jedi Temple via his Jedi beacon transceiver, Shryne's true Jedi nature could not be suppressed forever. This was especially true as he watched Olee Starstone naively walk into the Emperor's traps. During the Imperial subjugation of Kashyyyk, Shryne suddenly embraced his identity as a Jedi Knight once more. This occurred shortly after Darth Vader arrived on the scene in his Theta-class T-2c shuttle, destroying Wookiee warriors and anything else in his path. Just before Shryne's arrival, Vader had beheaded Jedi Knights Siadem Forte and Iwo Kulka simultaneously, critically injured Padawan Klossi Anno and Agricultural Corps members Jambe Lu and Nam Poorf, and then engaged Olee Starstone.

Roan Shryne bravely intervened, summoning Forte's lightsaber from the balcony floor and decapitating Commander Appo right in front of Darth Vader, challenging the Sith apprentice to a duel. This allowed the Dancer crew and the younger Jedi to escape. The duel against Vader ended with Shryne suffering mortal injuries from Force-charged wood planks. This occurred despite his ingenious defensive and offensive tactics, and only after Vader used Force Throw to hurl objects at Shryne from all directions, overwhelming his defenses. However, the Dark Lord did not kill him immediately. Instead, he reveled in informing the dying Jedi about the Emperor's true identity as a Sith Lord, his own status as Lord Sidious's Sith apprentice, and his former identity as Anakin Skywalker. He believed this was the ultimate insult to the dying Jedi, revealing how completely the Order had been destroyed from within.

Despite everything, Roan died content, sarcastically thanking Vader for helping him become one with the Force again. In his final moments, he recalled a Force vision he had experienced, which, while predicting the circumstances of his death, gave him peace in knowing that the Force would never truly die.

As more Jedi were eliminated across the galaxy, the newly appointed Galactic Emperor Palpatine ordered his Grand Vizier Sate Pestage to conceal the reasons behind the Jedi's deaths. Pestage compiled a list of official records to fabricate the Jedi's causes of death. Shryne's report, filed by Commander Bow, stated that the Jedi Knight was executed for repeatedly disrupting Imperial recruitment efforts on Kashyyyk.

Personality and traits

Roan Shryne was known for his pessimistic outlook, which may have stemmed from the loss of two Padawans before Order 66. He also had a tendency to be sarcastic.

Despite his sarcastic, bitter, and pessimistic nature, Shryne's intentions were good, and he sacrificed himself to help the other Jedi escape from Darth Vader. He also possessed a strong spirit and determination, which even Darth Vader admired, leading him to express a desire to find an apprentice with the same spirit as Shryne.

Shryne was close to Climber, so much so that the clone refused to execute him when Order 66 was issued. He also cared deeply for Olee Starstone, even though she was not his Padawan, and was determined to prevent her from dying, as his previous two Padawans had. Shryne also had affection for Bol Chatak and felt grief when she was killed.

Powers and abilities

Roan Shryne was highly skilled in lightsaber combat, capable of holding his own against Darth Vader for a considerable amount of time, even while wielding an unfamiliar lightsaber. He managed to land two blows on the Sith Lord before ultimately being defeated, not through lightsaber skill, but through Vader's superior command of the Force.

As time passed, Shryne's connection to the Force weakened, making it difficult for him to use even simple Force powers, and he relied on his experience and skill. However, his connection to the Force gradually returned, and Olee Starstone recognized that he had become a Jedi once more when he faced Vader for the last time. Shortly before his death, Shryne had a vision of the future, foreseeing the Battle of Endor, which would occur more than two decades later. He was also reasonably proficient with mind tricks, having successfully used one against a clone trooper.

Behind the scenes

Roan Shryne in action figure form

In 2013, Hasbro announced that Shryne would be included in an action figure multipack alongside fellow Jedi Sarrissa Jeng and Sephjet Josall, as well as clone commander Ponds. Although Shryne is known for wielding a blue lightsaber, the figure appears to come with a green blade. His character was portrayed by an uncredited extra.

