Bol Chatak was a Jedi Master of the Zabrak species, and a female, who dedicated her life to the service of the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. During the Clone Wars, she held the rank of General within the Grand Army of the Republic. As the master of Padawan Olee Starstone, her life was tragically cut short by Darth Vader shortly after the implementation of Order 66, a devastating command that led to the downfall of the Jedi, and the Contingency orders.
Born on the planet of Iridonia, Bol Chatak's connection to the Force was discovered early on. Consequently, she was given to the Jedi Order to receive education and training in the ways of the Force. After constructing her own lightsaber with a blue blade and successfully completing the rigorous Trials of Knighthood, Bol Chatak was recognized as a Jedi Knight. Through continuous practice with her lightsaber and further study of the Force, Chatak eventually ascended to the esteemed position of Jedi Master after many years.
During the Separatist Crisis, while on a mission for the Jedi High Council, Master Chatak crossed paths with Olee Starstone, a young Padawan who was under the tutelage of Jocasta Nu, the Chief Librarian of the Temple Archives. Although their initial encounter was brief, it left a significant impact on both of them. As the conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems evolved into the full-scale Clone Wars, Master Chatak accepted the role of General within the Grand Army of the Republic, leading clone troopers in battles across the galaxy. As the war intensified, the High Council decided to accelerate the training of several advanced Padawans stationed at the Jedi Temple. Due to the rapport between Chatak and Starstone, the Council of Reassignment assigned Chatak to mentor Starstone, removing her from her archival studies and placing her in the position of Commander within the Grand Army. During the third year of the war, Chatak was sent to the Outer Rim planet of Murkhana with the mission of defending it against the Separatist Droid Army. With the assistance of Master Roan Shryne and the 32nd Air Combat Wing, she bravely led the campaign, eventually requesting reinforcements. The arrival of additional troops, led by Master Saras Loorne, included two Jedi Knights and Padawan Starstone. Alongside the clone commando unit known as Ion Team, Chatak, Shryne, and Starstone fought against both droids and live soldiers from the Vibroblade Brigade. While the Jedi were examining a medcenter, the clones received a message from the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. This message contained the infamous Order 66, which commanded the execution of all Jedi. Although Commander Salvo was preparing to ambush the Jedi, the commandos of Ion Team created a diversion, allowing the Jedi to escape, as they were hesitant to kill the Force-users without further confirmation of the order.
Forced into hiding, Chatak and her companions sensed the deaths of Master Loorne and the other Jedi Knights as the clones turned against them. Seeking refuge in the hills surrounding Murkhana City, the trio disguised themselves as Koorivar and took shelter in an abandoned warehouse near Argente Tower. Checking their beacon transceivers, the Jedi were confused to find that the High Council was requesting all Jedi to return to Coruscant. As they attempted to leave the planet and follow the High Council's instructions, the Jedi realized that the battle was over and the Republic had won. When the droids around them suddenly deactivated, the group was apprehended by clone troopers, who mistook them for mercenaries.
After spending four weeks in a crowded detention facility, the Jedi and the other prisoners were led out to a red-clay landing field carved into the hills outside the city to witness the arrival of Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith. While Vader was conversing with Commander Salvo and reprimanding Ion Team for their disobedience, Master Chatak revealed herself and confronted the Sith Lord. Charging towards the black-armored figure with her ignited blue lightsaber, Chatak engaged Vader in a fierce duel. She managed to strike a blow on his forearm, but her valiant efforts were ultimately in vain as the cyborg removed her weapon arm with his blade. Falling to her knees and crying out in pain, Chatak looked up at the Sith Lord as he raised his lightsaber and decapitated her in a swift motion.
Master Bol Chatak was known as a tolerant and composed Jedi, forming a close bond with fellow Jedi Roan Shryne during the battles on Murkhana. As a caring mentor to her Padawan Olee Starstone, Chatak often allowed Shryne to tease the young apprentice, which helped to lighten the atmosphere. Both Chatak and Shryne shared doubts about the wisdom of Grand Master Yoda and the Jedi's involvement in the war.
Like all Jedi, Bol Chatak was proficient in lightsaber combat, wielding a blue-bladed weapon that she had constructed herself. Her fighting style was described as fast and noticeably more elegant than Darth Vader's initial applications of his own style. During her confrontation with the Sith Lord on Murkhana, she successfully landed a blow on his forearm before Vader's superior strength overwhelmed the Zabrak Jedi, leading to her demise.