Iwo Kulka, a male Ho'Din Jedi Knight, dedicated his service to the Jedi Order as the Galactic Republic neared its end. As the Clone Wars engulfed the galaxy, Kulka rose to the rank of General within the Grand Army of the Republic, battling the Separatist Droid Army with his Padawan at his side. The war's conclusion brought about the rise of the Galactic Empire, and Kulka was labeled a traitor. In 19 BBY, he confronted Lord Vader on Kashyyyk alongside other Jedi, where he met his slain.

Iwo Kulka, a male Ho'Din who exhibited sensitivity to the Force, received training from the Jedi Order to master its ways. In due course, Kulka successfully completed his Trials of Knighthood and was subsequently made a Knight by the Jedi High Council.
As a Jedi Knight, Kulka undertook the responsibility of mentoring his own Padawan of his own, imparting the Jedi teachings as he had once received them. With the commencement of the Clone Wars, Kulka accepted the position of General within the newly formed Grand Army of the Republic, tasked with opposing the Confederacy of Independent Systems' Droid Army. Over the three years of conflict, Kulka and his apprentice fought alongside clone troopers, but they were caught off guard when the Republic dissolved and its Supreme Chancellor issued Contingency Order 66 to the Grand Army, commanding them to eliminate their Jedi allies. Overwhelmed by their own troops, Kulka's Padawan was killed in the initial assault, but Kulka managed to escape by disguising himself in the armor of a fallen clone. Answering a emergency beacon sent by fellow Knight Siadem Forte from Dellalt, Kulka assisted Forte in leading a group of eight other Jedi—including Deran Nalual, Klossi Anno, Jambe Lu, and Nam Poorf—in commandeering a SX troop shuttle. As they fled the planet, they were pursued by ARC-170s and a light cruiser, resulting in the deaths of two Jedi onboard. Barely escaping, the group rendezvoused with the Drunk Dancer, finding refuge with its captain, Jula Shryne.
While aboard Shryne's vessel, the group expanded with the arrival of Padawan Olee Starstone and her adopted Master, Roan Shryne, who was Jula Shryne's son. Following extensive discussions about their next course of action, Starstone persuaded Kulka and the other Jedi to journey to Kashyyyk in hopes of locating Grand Master Yoda. Upon their arrival and after conferring with the Wookiee leaders, the planet was attacked by Sith Lord Darth Vader, who was hunting the Jedi fugitives. Pairing up with Forte, the two Knights mounted a joint assault, but they were no match for Vader's power. After sustaining a stab wound to the abdomen and a slash across the face from Vader's lightsaber, both Forte and Kulka were decapitated by Vader as they attempted to stand. After his death, Kulka's reputation was further tarnished when images of his corpse were used as anti-Jedi propaganda broadcasted on the HoloNet.