Deran Nalual was a Togruta female who, in her youth, was a Padawan within the ranks of the Jedi Order as the Galactic Republic neared its end. Serving as a Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic, she managed to survive both the Clone Wars and the infamous Order 66 - the implementation of Contingency orders - along with her master, the Jedi Knight Siadem Forte, though the escape left her without her sight.
During the twilight years of the Galactic Republic, Jedi Knight Siadem Forte had a Togruta female named Deran Nalual as his Jedi apprentice. In 19 BBY, the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic gave the order to execute Order 66, a Contingency order that declared the Jedi as enemies of the state. When clone troopers turned their blasters against Forte and Nalual, the two Jedi fought back, eliminating the troopers before sending out an distress call from the planet Dellalt. Though blinded by the attack from her own troops, Nalual found solace in the arrival of eight other Jedi on the planet. Forte took the lead, and the fugitive Jedi hijacked an SX troop shuttle from the newly established Galactic Empire, managing to escape offworld. While being pursued by a squadron of ARC-170s and a light cruiser, and losing four of their comrades, Nalual and the remaining Jedi evaded capture and were granted refuge by the crew of the Drunk Dancer. In the company of smuggler Jula Shryne, the group was later joined by Master Roan Shryne and his Padawan, Olee Starstone. Inspired by Starstone's optimism and resolve, Nalual and her companions decided to seek out Grand Master Yoda on Kashyyyk.
Upon their arrival, Kashyyyk was targeted for invasion by the Empire due to its harboring of Jedi. Under the command of Darth Vader, the Empire hunted the Jedi fugitives, eventually confronting them. While her master and the others went into Kachirho to strategize with the Wookiee chieftains, Padawan Nalual maintained her post at the landing pad. Although her master perished in a confrontation with Vader, Nalual faithfully awaited her companions before they departed and fled into space. With the support of her friends, Nalual chose to engage in construction projects, and agricultural endeavors within the Empire, intending to undermine the Sith subtly, rather than through direct lightsaber combat.