A male Jedi Master by the name of Nat-Sem dedicated himself to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic until the Galactic Empire's ascent. Before his death during the Battle of Geonosis which marked the beginning of the Clone Wars, he took Roan Shryne as his Padawan, guiding him to the rank of Knighthood.
Identified as Force-sensitive, Nat-Sem was brought into the Jedi Order and underwent training in the Force, eventually achieving the esteemed position of Jedi Master. While serving the Republic, Master Nat-Sem chose young Roan Shryne to be his Padawan, imparting upon him the Jedi teachings he himself had received. As they journeyed through the galaxy, Shryne absorbed all that Nat-Sem could teach and successfully completed his Trials, earning the title of Jedi Knight. Their paths diverging, Nat-Sem and Shryne later fought together in the Petranaki arena on Geonosis when the simmering tensions between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems exploded into open conflict. Nat-Sem, fighting valiantly alongside members of the Jedi High Council and his fellow Jedi, was struck down by blasterfire not long after Master of the Order Mace Windu decapitated the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Shryne, witnessing his former Master's demise, survived both the war and the initial stages of the Great Jedi Purge before ultimately falling to the lightsaber of Sith Lord Darth Vader on Kashyyyk.