Trace was a clone commando, specifically the small-arms expert, belonging to Ion Team, which was part of the 22nd Air Combat Wing during the Clone Wars. He is classified as a clone commando.
During the year 19 BBY, Trace was a part of Ion Team, which was under the leadership of Climber. As they attacked the shield generator, Trace went with Bol Chatak and the Padawan Olee Starstone, while Climber made sure the generator was secured. Afterwards, the clones were given orders from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to carry out Order 66, telling them to kill all Jedi. Trace, along with the rest of Ion Team, chose not to follow Order 66 and instead chose to assist the Jedi in getting away. Trace and the other members of Ion Team set a trap for Commander Salvo's attempt to follow Order 66. Ion Team used electrostatic charge detonators to stop the electronic systems of Salvo and his men's armor and weapons from working. When Darth Vader showed up on Murkhana, the Sith Lord said the team was guilty of treason against the Galactic Empire.