Barra-Rona-Ban was a Cerean Jedi Master, a role he fulfilled within the Jedi Order as the Chief Librarian for the Jedi Temple Archives following the conclusion of the New Sith Wars. In the year 990 BBY, the Sith Lord known as Darth Zannah deceived him, gaining entry to the Archives by posing as Nalia Adollu, who was presented as the Padawan of Ban's acquaintance, Anno Wen-Chii.
Barra-Rona-Ban, a Force-sensitive Cerean, lived during the tail end of the New Sith Wars. After being accepted into the Jedi Order, Ban formed a bond with a fellow student, the Pyn'gani Anno Wen-Chii, during his training. The two eventually traveled to Wen-Chii's homeworld, Polus. The Cerean achieved the rank of Jedi Master and subsequently became the Chief Librarian overseeing the Jedi Archives within the Jedi Temple situated on the planet Coruscant, where he maintained offices in one of the Archives' primary halls.
In 990 BBY, the Sith Lord Darth Zannah adopted the identity of Nalia Adollu, the Padawan learner of Wen-Chii. Her objective was to infiltrate the Jedi Temple and seek information related to an ailment affecting her Master, Darth Bane. Using her assumed identity, she encountered Ban, who, after a brief exchange, granted her permission to access the Archives, believing her to be the student of his longtime friend.
Barra-Rona-Ban, a respected and experienced Jedi Master known for his meticulous nature, was appointed as the Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives. His office was filled with journals, notes, and datacards, reflecting his dedication to the library. Ban was deceived by "Adollu," failing to recognize her true identity as a Sith. During their interaction, Ban displayed friendliness and assisted her in gaining access to the Archives. Ban harbored a dislike for snow and ice, which led him to avoid revisiting Polus to see his old friend Wen-Chii.
Drew Karpyshyn, the author, conceived Barra-Rona-Ban for his novel Darth Bane: Rule of Two, which saw publication in 2007.