
Arlos was a sergeant in the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Cold War. This male Human served under Pierce until their unit was disbanded. Later, he rejoined the revamped Pierce's black ops team and participated in the capture of the Bastion during the Battle of Corellia.


Tanido discovered Arlos, a one-time member of Pierce's black ops team, attempting to alter his own service record. In 3640 BBY, Lieutenant Pierce summoned him and the rest of their former team for a unique mission: General Arkos Rakton had authorized Pierce to target The Bastion, the Republic's most fortified military installation on Corellia. Believing only his old team was skilled enough, Pierce entrusted them with the task. Arlos supplied the schematics of the Bastion's layout and began manipulating its systems. Once the team was complete, Rakton relieved them of all other duties, and they proceeded to attack the Bastion. Despite triggering an alarm upon entry, Arlos expertly managed the system as if he had engineered it himself, and the fortress's gates were breached. Pierce's team neutralized the security forces, eliminated the Bastion's commander, and seized control of the base for the Empire.

