
A jaggalor was a Corellian predator, nearly indistinguishable from the asharl panther, and known for its strength and extreme aggression. Certain individuals of this species were housed within the Coronet Zoo. As the Battle of Corellia unfolded, jaggalors managed to break free from their enclosures and began to wander the Axial Park area, launching attacks on any being they encountered. Lieutenant Boonan of the Empire was compelled to address the jaggalor situation by enlisting an Imperial champion to eliminate the escaped creatures.

Behind the scenes

The video game Star Wars: The Old Republic features jaggalors as hostile entities found within the Coronet Zoo on Corellia; they are also central to the Imperial quest titled "Jaggalors on the Loose." It should be noted, however, that the jaggalors in the game utilize the same character design as the asharl panther, a species that can be seen on Ilum.

