Adele Konya

Adele Konya served as a general and female leader within the Army of the reconstituted Sith Empire throughout the Galactic War. Prior to her service to the Empire, she held a position in the Corellian cabinet before defecting to the Sith and taking a commanding role during the Battle of Corellia in 3640 BBY. Following the reassignment of General Hesker, Darth Marr elevated her to the position of acting commander, ultimately entrusting her with the responsibility of ordering Imperial forces to retreat from Corellia.

Konya participated in the primary engagement within Coronet City, aligning herself with the Coronas, a criminal syndicate of Corellians who pledged loyalty to the Sith. She fought in the Battle for the Black Hole, which revolved around the Black Hole, a hypermatter refining facility situated in the Labor Valley. As the main battle concluded, the Coronas betrayed the Sith, transforming the struggle for the Black Hole into a three-sided conflict involving the Sith, the Republic, and the Coronas, all vying for control of the refinery. During this period, Konya was stationed at Horizon Outpost, an outpost under the control of the Imperial Military located on the outskirts of the facility. Facing significant resistance from the criminal organization (led by Councilor Torvix), she was compelled to enlist an Imperial official to reclaim a territory seized by the gang.

Behind the scenes

General Konya makes an appearance in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, as a part of Game Update 1.2: Legacy released on April 12, 2012, which also introduced the Black Hole area. Her role is to introduce Imperial players to the repeatable daily missions available within the Black Hole.

