Corellian Science Museum

Within the district known as Axial Park, which itself resided within Coronet City – the capital city of the planet Corellia – stood the Corellian Science Museum, a museum. During the Galactic War, specifically in 3640 BBY, amid the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the Republic Military's Colonel Brint established a base inside the museum during the Battle of Corellia. Concurrently, Doctor Nasan Godera, a Republic scientific adviser, operated a lab within its walls. Tragically, Imperial forces attacked the museum during the war, resulting in the death of the majority of the Republic personnel stationed there, including Doctor Godera.


Situated on the northern edge of Axial Park, a sector within Coronet City, the capital of the planet Corellia, was the Corellian Science Museum. The entrance area was designed as a rectangular loop, separated from the main museum area by a wall. Inside, the main hall prominently featured the skeleton of a krayt dragon originating from the desert planet of Tatooine. The museum also included at least a pair of side chambers branching off from the main hall. During the Republic Military's occupation, one of these side rooms, along with a portion of the main hall, was used to house the scientific equipment utilized by Doctor Nasan Godera in his work.


The Battle of Corellia was triggered when the Sith Empire invaded the Core World of Corellia in 3640 BBY during the Galactic War with the Galactic Republic. As the lengthy conflict progressed, the Republic Military secured the Science Museum, establishing a command center there under the command of Colonel Brint of the Eighty-third Battalion. Doctor Nasan Godera, a scientific adviser working for the Republic's General Var Suthra, established a lab at the museum. On Suthra's orders, he deployed probe droids to locate Tol Braga, a Jedi Master corrupted by the Sith Emperor and forced to assist in the Emperor's scheme to kill thousands to initiate a dark-side ritual.

Around the same time that Godera's search bore fruit, a unit of Jedi led by the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython arrived at the museum. Shortly after, Senator Jol Zackin came to the museum seeking Brint's assistance in rescuing imprisoned Corellian citizens. However, Brint and Zackin were still in disagreement when the Hero of Tython appeared. The Knight resolved the dispute by sending the Outer Rim Jedi to save the civilians, despite Brint's attempt to bribe the Knight into using the Jedi to attack Imperial medical camps. The Hero of Tython then consulted with Godera, who tasked the Knight with destroying the Empire's Firestorm Turbolasers being set up by Braga's Sith subordinates in buildings around Axial Park. Godera continued his work to pinpoint the source of transmissions to the Sith in those buildings, hoping to find Braga himself.

However, while the Jedi was away, Imperial forces launched an assault on the Science Museum. Brint was among the few to survive and contacted Suthra for assistance. By the time Suthra arrived with reinforcements and eliminated the Imperial invaders, most of the Republic forces stationed at the museum, including Godera, had been killed in the battle. After the attack, Suthra's forces largely abandoned the museum, relocating to Coronet's Government District as the Republic continued its advance against the Empire.

Behind the scenes

The Corellian Science Museum is featured as a class-specific phase in the Jedi Knight class mission "Firestorm" within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game launched by BioWare in 2011. Upon arriving at the museum, the player faces an alignment choice regarding the deployment of their remaining Jedi forces. As the Knight is a Republic player and is assumed to consistently select light-side options, this article operates under the assumption that the player sided with Senator Zackin. Additionally, the museum was marked on a map of Axial Park in the Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide.

