Jol Zackin

Jol Zackin, a male Human, held the position of senator representing Corellia in the Galactic Republic. His tenure occurred during the concluding years of the Cold War between the Republic and the Sith Empire. When the Galactic War erupted in 3641 BBY, Zackin was disheartened to witness the ruling council of Corellia support the Empire's conquest of his homeworld. Consequently, Zackin offered his assistance to the Republic Military during the ensuing Battle of Corellia, leveraging his understanding of the planet and its people. He sought the help of the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython, who was the Supreme Commander of all Jedi forces on the planet, to save civilians who had been abducted by the Empire from Corellian prisons.


Zackin, a native of the esteemed Core World of Corellia, served as the senator for his homeworld within the Galactic Republic Senate as the Cold War drew to a close between the Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. Roughly a decade following the Treaty of Coruscant in 3653 BBY, the Corellian Council—the governing body of Corellia—was gradually compromised by Darth Decimus, a Sith Lord. After several months of preparations, the Empire initiated an invasion of the planet in 3640 BBY. The Corellian Council aided the Empire in this assault, declaring Corellia to be under Imperial rule, but resistance from the native Corellians disrupted the occupation. Upon the Republic's reestablishment of communications with Corellia and discovery of the invasion, it promptly deployed its forces to assist the Corellians in repelling the Empire.

Senator Zackin and Colonel Brint make their cases to the Jedi.

As the battle intensified, Zackin journeyed to Corellia himself and began supporting the Republic Military forces with his knowledge of his homeworld. When the Empire started raiding Corellian prisons and forcing detained civilians into labor, Zackin was incensed. He implored Colonel Brint, a subordinate of General Var Suthra in the Axial Park sector, to allocate resources for rescuing the civilians. However, Brint considered the rescue operation a waste of resources, dismissing the civilians as unworthy criminals, especially given the Empire's extermination patrols targeting Republic medical evacuation sites and killing the wounded. When the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython, the Supreme Commander of the Jedi forces on the planet, arrived at Brint's command post in the Corellian Science Museum, Zackin requested the Jedi's assistance in rescuing the captive civilians.

Zackin was outraged by Brint's attempt to bribe the Knight with advanced combat equipment from Balmorra. However, to Zackin's relief, the Hero agreed to commit Jedi forces to his cause. While the Knight destroyed the Imperials' Firestorm Turbolasers and thwarted the Sith's plans for mass casualties, the Jedi's Lieutenant Unaw Aharo led the Hero's forces to rescue the civilians. The Senator later expressed his gratitude to the Hero before the Knight led the other Jedi further into Coronet City as the Republic gained ground against the Empire.

Personality and traits

Zackin, a Human male characterized by dark skin, brown eyes, and gray hair, possessed a deep concern for the people he represented as senator. Upon learning of the Corellians being abducted from prisons, he firmly believed in their rescue, asserting their innocence until proven guilty. He was also indignant at Colonel Brint's attempt to bribe the Hero of Tython, finding the officer's thirst for revenge and willingness to commit morally reprehensible crimes.


During his tenure as a member of the Corellian Council, Jol Zackin donned the tan and brown robe that all Councilors wore during that period, distinguished by golden highlights and silver ornamentation on the gloves.

Behind the scenes

Jol Zackin made his debut in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, launched by BioWare and LucasArts in 2011. He appears as a character in the Jedi Knight class mission "Firestorm" on Corellia, presenting the player with a moral dilemma. Zackin urges the Jedi Knight to allocate Jedi forces to rescuing Corellian civilians from the Empire, while Colonel Brint offers combat equipment in exchange for attacking Imperials in retaliation for attacks on Republic medevac sites. If the player fully supports Brint, two squads of Jedi will be lost, whereas aiding both Brint and Zackin results in the death of only one squad. Given that the Jedi Knight, as a Republic character, is expected to choose only the moral light side options, this article assumes that the player supports Zackin, thus incurring no squad losses.

