
Brint, a male colonel of the Human species, was a member of the Galactic Republic's military. He was stationed on the planet of Corellia throughout the [Galactic War], which was fought against the Sith Empire.


During the Battle of Corellia, Brint fought on behalf of the Republic. However, he and Senator Jol Zackin were in disagreement on the optimal way to dedicate resources to the war effort. When Jedi reinforcements arrived, led by the Hero of Tython, Brint argued for an assault on the Imperial extermination squads responsible for massacring medical camps, with the perpetrators being rewarded for their actions. Zackin countered by suggesting that the priority should be rescuing Corellian civilians who had been enslaved by the Empire. Brint countered, reminding the senator that these civilians were taken from prison and therefore should be considered criminals. Zackin insisted that those individuals were innocent until proven guilty through due process. Subsequently, Brint attempted to offer the Jedi the latest equipment from Balmorra as a means of support, which Zackin perceived as an attempt at bribery, causing outrage. To Brint's disappointment, the Hero decided to act upon Zackin's recommendation. Nevertheless, Brint directed the Jedi to their science advisor, who was revealed to be Nasan Godera.

However, as the Hero departed to prevent the fallen Jedi Master, Tol Braga, from committing mass murder, Godera was killed in an Imperial ambush. Brint then provided General Var Suthra with the data concerning Braga's location, which Godera had successfully compiled before his demise. Immediately after the general left the room, Brint conveyed Zackin's appreciation for saving Corellian "citizens". But he cleverly pointed out to the Hero that, by complying with the Senator's request, the murderous Imperials that the Jedi had chosen not to engage were now returning to Dromund Kaas with impunity. The Hero responded sternly, emphasizing that the Jedi's purpose was to preserve lives, not to end them in pursuit of Brint's personal vengeance. Muttering that he would never comprehend the Jedi, Brint then proceeded to provide the coordinates for the Republic base located in the government district.

