Bengel Morr was a male Nautolan Jedi, formerly the Padawan of Jedi Master Orgus Din. His service occurred during the Great Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the reconstituted Sith Empire. In 3653 BBY, Morr found himself at the Jedi Temple during the Sith attack on Coruscant. This traumatic event shattered his mind, driving the gentle Nautolan to madness. He embraced the dark side, resolving to obliterate the Jedi Order. This Dark Jedi took Callef as his apprentice and pursued the Order to Tython, their newly rediscovered homeworld. On Tython, the pair of Dark Jedi rallied the native Flesh Raiders into a warband and attacked both the Jedi and the Twi'lek Pilgrims who had established a colony on the planet.
However, a young Jedi killed Callef during an initial assault against the Jedi Order. Soon after, Morr discovered that his former Master had taken the young Jedi as his new Padawan. Din and his new apprentice began investigating the cause of the Flesh Raider attacks. Despite suffering setbacks against the Jedi Order, Morr managed to capture Din with the assistance of Twi'lek villagers. Morr brought his former teacher before the ancient machine known as the Forge, intending to execute him. However, Din's apprentice confronted the Nautolan and defeated him in combat.
The Temple healers restored Morr's sanity, and he returned to the light side, undergoing retraining as a Jedi Padawan. When the Galactic War engulfed the galaxy, Morr was deployed to the battlefields of Corellia. There, he served under Din's former apprentice, now a Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython. Alongside the forces of the Republic Military, Morr and other Jedi helped their commander prevent the fallen Jedi Tol Braga from committing a mass slaughter of civilians. Their actions during the Battle of Corellia contributed to the Republic's victory.

Bengel Morr, a Force-sensitive male of the Nautolan species, received training in the Force from Jedi Master Orgus Din during the Great Galactic War against the Sith Empire. In 3653 BBY, during the Sacking of Coruscant, when Sith forces under the command of Sith Lord Darth Angral attacked the Republic capital of Coruscant, Morr was present within the Jedi Temple. He directly witnessed Darth Malgus's assault on the Temple. The resulting destruction shattered Morr's mind, causing the gentle Nautolan to place blame on the Jedi Order. After escaping the ruined Temple and finding refuge amidst the chaos of the capital city, Morr learned that the Republic and the Jedi had yielded to the Empire's demands and ratified the Treaty of Coruscant.
Morr considered the Treaty a sign of cowardice and weakness, intensifying his hatred for the Jedi Order. He concluded that destroying the Jedi was necessary to strengthen them. He succumbed to the dark side and became a Dark Jedi, dedicating the next decade to plotting the Jedi's downfall. During this period, he recruited Callef, a Force-sensitive human, as his apprentice, instructing the young man in the ways of the dark side.
By 3643 BBY, Callef and Morr had tracked the Order to Tython, where the Jedi had retreated following the treaty. Concealing themselves from the Order within the planet's largely unexplored regions, the two Dark Jedi began organizing the native Flesh Raiders into a military force. Discovering some of the savage and violent species possessed Force sensitivity, Morr trained them as Force Adepts, eventually commanding a substantial fighting force under the leadership of the Flesh Raiders' Grand Chieftain Keshk. As his forces grew stronger, Morr spurred the natives to escalate their attacks against both the Jedi and the Twi'lek settlers of Kalikori village, located in the Tythos Ridge.
In 3643 BBY, Morr decided that the time to strike had arrived. He instructed Callef to lead an invasion force through a network of tunnels connecting the Flesh Raider-controlled Tythos Ridge to the Tythonian Gnarls, a region north of the Jedi Temple with only a minor outpost. Callef's objective was to destroy the outpost to test the Flesh Raiders' combat effectiveness. However, Morr's plans were disrupted when Callef was killed by a young Jedi who had recently arrived on the planet. Enraged by the loss of his friend and student, Morr observed the apprentice's actions from a distance and witnessed his former Master Orgus Din taking the Jedi as his Padawan.
Under Morr's direction, the Flesh Raiders intensified their attacks and began establishing camps across the planet. One such camp was situated near the ruins of Kaleth, an ancient temple-city of the Jedi's predecessors, the Je'daii Order. Morr instructed the Force-sensitive members of the group to travel to a nearby meditation shrine to learn from a holocron he provided. He was unconcerned when the group was eliminated by Din's new apprentice. However, he grew concerned when scouts from Kalikori Village discovered one of his command bases in the Tythos Ridge.
When Din's Padawan shut down the shield generator protecting the camp, enabling Din and the other Masters to destroy the base, Morr contacted the young Jedi from another secure location. Communicating via holocomm, the Dark Jedi expressed his displeasure with the apprentice's actions and vowed to destroy the Jedi Order regardless of the consequences. During the Jedi assault, Morr dispatched a team of Flesh Raider saboteurs to attack Kalikori, where they planted toxin mines in the village's crop fields until Din's apprentice deactivated them.
At the command base, the Masters discovered the locations of several other camps across the planet's surface. They were compelled to mobilize nearly all of the Knights at the Temple to eliminate them simultaneously. Despite this, Morr remained unconcerned. He ordered his subordinate Keshk to gather a portion of the army at the ruins of Vur Tepe, another Je'daii city, and prepare for an assault on the soon-to-be relatively unprotected Jedi Temple. Morr himself exploited Din and the Padawan's missions to destroy two bases by approaching the villagers of Kalikori with an offer: surrender Orgus Din, and Morr would command his forces to spare the village from further attacks. The villagers, who had a strained relationship with the Jedi due to the Order's refusal to provide aid, accepted his offer and sent a false distress signal, knowing that Din was nearby.

Din predictably walked into the trap, instructing his apprentice to return to the village just before his own arrival. Caught off guard, the Jedi Master was quickly subdued by Morr's Flesh Raider bodyguards. However, Morr changed his mind before departing and demanded the life of Din's apprentice as well, forcing the villagers to attempt to capture the young Padawan. Morr and his bodyguards transported their captive through the Flesh Raider-controlled Tythos Ridge to an ancient site known as the Forge, which had been used by both the ancient and modern Jedi to construct and repair their weapons. There, his subordinate Keshk marshaled the remnants of the Flesh Raider army in preparation for an attack on the Jedi, while Morr prepared his Force Adepts in case someone attempted to rescue Din.
Fortunately, Din's Padawan managed to escape from the villagers without violence and learned of Morr's location from Kalikori's Matriarch Ranna Tao'Ven.
Morr's sanity was restored thanks to the Jedi healers, and he was purged of the dark side's influence that had plagued him since the Sacking of Coruscant. He remained at the Temple for a considerable period, slowly retraining in the ways of the light side under the guidance of the Masters. As he progressed, Morr decided to contact the apprentice who had saved him. He recorded a holomessage thanking the Jedi, now a Knight, for sparing him and allowing him to redeem himself. The Nautolan continued to send messages to the Knight, describing his recovery process. Morr felt comfortable communicating with the Knight, as the young Jedi had witnessed him at his worst, and he regretted not being able to apologize to his former master. Morr also realized that he was responsible for Callef's death and forgave the Knight for killing the young man.
When the Knight returned to Tython with Lord Scourge after escaping from the space station of the Sith Emperor, Morr attempted to speak with the Jedi, but the Council prevented any contact between them. He heard various rumors at the Temple after the Knight's departure, with some believing the Knight had fallen to the dark side and sought redemption, while others believed the Jedi had never fallen and had captured Lord Scourge. Morr was simply relieved to learn that the Knight was alive, as Master Tol Braga's strike team had not returned and were presumed dead. He sent a third message to the Jedi, expressing his relief.

As the Galactic War erupted across the galaxy, Morr was among the Padawans and Knights from Tython dispatched to aid the Republic forces on Corellia. Although Morr's training was incomplete, Council member Jaric Kaedan deemed him ready and assigned him to the care of three Jedi Masters. However, the four were ambushed in Coronet City's Blastfield Shipyards by Mandalorians hired by the Empire, and Morr witnessed the mercenaries kill the three Masters. The Padawan evaded the Mandalorians until they cornered him in the Rusty Freighter Cantina, located in the Red Light Sector's Entertainment Plaza. Barricading himself in the cantina's VIP lounge, Morr fought off the Mandalorians who attacked him alone or in pairs.
The Hero of Tython, who was searching for the remaining Jedi on the planet, rescued Morr. Surprising the Mandalorians, the Knight eliminated the attackers in the main cantina and entered the building's VIP lounge to see Morr quickly defeat the last two mercenaries.
Bengel Morr, a Nautolan male with black eyes and light blue skin, was a gentle and kind individual in his early life. However, the horrific attack on the Jedi Temple severely damaged Morr's psyche, driving him to insanity. Fleeing into Coruscant's underlevels to escape the Sith, Morr succumbed to fear, which quickly transformed into anger upon learning that the Jedi and the Republic had submitted to the Sith and signed the Treaty of Coruscant. Morr turned to the dark side and spent the next decade plotting the Order's destruction. His only friend during this period was his student Callef. The two shared a hatred for the Order, which Morr had instilled in the young man during his training. Morr became a calmer and more calculating figure compared to his fiery and proud student. Years of planning solidified the Nautolan's belief in his victory, and he remained calm when Callef fell to Din's new apprentice.
Morr's anger at the Sith following the Sacking was transformed by his insanity into a belief that the Jedi were weak, and he sought to destroy the Order. However, Master Din realized that Morr was not a Sith himself; he wanted to rebuild the Jedi into a force capable of destroying the Sith. After being defeated by Din's apprentice at the Forge, Morr believed that the Force had acted through him to forge the other Jedi into the perfect weapon. The Dark Jedi was willing to submit and offer the Padawan his knowledge and power, but instead, he was defeated and returned to the Order for healing.
Healed of his insanity by the Jedi, Morr was retrained as a Jedi Padawan and learned to confront his emotions. He regretted causing Callef's death through his arrogance and hatred, and he also regretted not apologizing to his Master before Din's death. Morr also developed a friendship with Din's other apprentice, seeing similarities between himself and the young Knight: their training under Din, their fall to the dark side and redemption, and the loss of close friends during times of war, as well as the bond felt by Morr after the events at the Forge. Fighting in the Battle of Corellia reminded Morr of his time as a Dark Jedi, but the Hero of Tython reassured the Nautolan that he had changed for the better since then.
Morr was a skilled lightsaber duelist and Force-user, capable of controlling the violent Flesh Raiders and training the Force-sensitive members among them in the ways of the Force. However, his combat skills were insufficient to defeat Master Din's apprentice, even with years of experience and the advantage of wielding a lightsaber. He was later retrained in the ways of the light side by the Jedi Order and served alongside many Jedi Knights on the battlefields of Corellia.
Bengel Morr was created for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released by BioWare and LucasArts on December 20, 2011. He serves as the primary antagonist of the Jedi Knight class' storyline on Tython during the Prelude, though was not explicitly named as such until the mission "The Face of the Enemy". After defeating him on Tython, a dark side Jedi can either release him to "prepare the galaxy" or execute him. If released, he will give the Knight the knowledge to build a slightly better lightsaber and a series of increasingly disturbing audio messages (available on the player's ship) as the class campaign progresses.
In his initial appearance in T7-01's holorecording of him speaking with Callef, his obscured face is that of a human rather than a Nautolan.
The character of Morr was voiced by American TV actor Victor Slezak.