Duel in the Gnarls cave

In the year 3643 BBY, amidst the Flesh Raider uprising that plagued the planet of Tython, a significant confrontation unfolded within a subterranean cavern situated in the Tythonian Gnarls. This battle saw the Dark Jedi trainee Callef clash with a Jedi Padawan. The Padawan, striving to thwart the Flesh Raider incursion into the Gnarls, encountered Callef on the verge of murdering the Bith apprentice Unaw Aharo. Consequently, a duel ensued between the apprentice and the Dark Jedi, with the apprentice determined to prevent the act. Despite being armed with only a vibrosword against Callef's lightsaber, the Jedi's extraordinary combat prowess led to Callef's demise.


During the Cold War era, a tense period between the Galactic Republic and the re-established Sith Empire, the indigenous Flesh Raiders of Tython initiated attacks against the Jedi Order and the Twi'lek Pilgrims residing in Kalikori village. It was discovered that these Flesh Raiders were under the command of Bengel Morr, a Dark Jedi who had formerly been the Padawan of Jedi Master Orgus Din. Morr's objective was to dismantle the Order and reshape it into a force capable of annihilating the Sith. Early in the uprising, specifically in 3643 BBY, the Flesh Raiders assaulted the Order's base within the Tythonian Gnarls, not far from the Masters' Retreat.

The Jedi, with Jedi Master Derrin Weller at the helm, successfully repelled the Flesh Raider offensives, though Master Weller sustained injuries in the process. Prior to his injury, Weller had dispatched a newly arrived Padawan into the Gnarls to investigate reports regarding the Flesh Raiders' use of blaster technology. Following his injury, Weller contacted the Padawan. After learning from a Bith apprentice named Unaw Aharo that the Flesh Raiders were infiltrating the Gnarls through a cave system in the vicinity, the Jedi Master instructed the Padawan, known for their exceptional combat abilities, to locate Aharo and seal off the cave at all costs.

The Confrontation

Flesh Raiders come through the tunnel

Upon entering the cave, the apprentice was compelled to battle through thirteen Flesh Raiders before finally reaching the end of a particular section. There, the apprentice discovered a wounded Aharo being threatened by a Human Dark Jedi named Callef, who was actually Bengel Morr's apprentice, although he did not reveal his master's identity to the two Jedi apprentices. This individual, armed with a lightsaber and proclaiming himself a "true Jedi," attacked the second apprentice when the Jedi intervened to prevent him from killing Aharo. Despite being equipped with only a vibrosword, the Padawan managed to overcome Callef, resulting in the Dark Jedi's death during the conflict.


It was at this juncture that Jedi Master Orgus Din arrived, witnessing Callef's defeat. Din expressed his gratitude to the apprentice for aiding Aharo and then employed the Force to collapse the cave's ceiling, effectively blocking the passage and preventing further Flesh Raiders from entering the Gnarls. Subsequently, Din escorted the injured Aharo to safety, instructing the other apprentice to proceed to the Jedi Temple.

Orgus Din seals the cave with telekinesis.

Upon the apprentice's arrival at the Temple and meeting with the Jedi High Council, Master Din accepted the Jedi as his Padawan, marking the first apprentice he had taken since Bengel Morr. The revelation that Callef and his "master" were orchestrating the Flesh Raiders prompted the Jedi Order to initiate an investigation. The uprising ultimately concluded when Din's new Padawan defeated its leader, who was revealed to be the deranged Morr, and rescued Din at the Forge.

Production Notes

The duel within the Gnarls cave was conceived for the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, serving as the introductory sequence for the Jedi Knight class storyline. Although dialogue options with Callef exist that can influence alignment points, the duel invariably culminates in the Dark Jedi's death, irrespective of the player's choices.

