Gnarls cave

A tunnel within a cave served as a connector on the planet of Tython, linking the Tythos Ridge mountains with the Tythonian Gnarls region to its north. This tunnel's northern entrance was positioned on the Gnarls' southern cliffs, and it housed rudimentary living spaces built by members of the Flesh Raider species. During the conflict of 3643 BBY between the Jedi Order and the Flesh Raiders, the Dark Jedi known as Callef spearheaded a Flesh Raider invasion through this cave, targeting the Jedi outpost situated in the Gnarls. Within the cave, the Flesh Raiders presented the captured Jedi Padawan Unaw Aharo to Callef. Before Callef could execute Aharo, a duel ensued with a young Jedi apprentice who had been dispatched to seal the cave, resulting in Callef's death. Subsequently, Jedi Master Orgus Din utilized the Force to collapse the tunnel, effectively halting the Flesh Raiders' ongoing attack.

Behind the scenes

The Gnarls cave was initially featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game developed by BioWare and launched in 2011. It served as a phase accessible only to the Jedi Knight class during the "Attack of the Flesh Raiders" mission on Tython.

