The Tythos Ridge represented a mountain range situated on Talss, which was the largest continent found on Tython.
The Tythos Ridge, a collection of squat and uneven mountains stretching across the Talss continent on Tython, held significance for both the Je'daii Order and the Jedi Order. This Ridge served as the landing site for a pair of Tho Yor, around which the temples of Kaleth and Vur Tepe were subsequently built. Following the Force Wars, the Flesh Raiders, a species of barbaric primitives left behind on Tython by the Infinite Empire, eventually seized control of the region. They devastated the land, incinerating all vegetation, leaving behind a landscape of smoldering ruins and bone-strewn paths. After the Great Galactic War, when the Jedi Order returned to Tython, Jedi Master Shol Bestros suggested constructing a meditative sanctuary on the Ridge. However, the Flesh Raiders' occupation and the area's resulting inhospitable condition prevented this plan from materializing. Instead, during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the Order established their Temple just northwest of the Ridge. Around the same time as the Order's reestablishment, a community of Twi'lek refugees founded the Kalikori village at the base of the Tythos Ridge.