
Kaleth, also known as the Temple of Knowledge, stood as one of the nine temples belonging to the Je'daii Order. It was situated on Tython, a world known for both its abundant life and its dangers. This temple, a substantial stone edifice distinguished by its four towering, square structures, functioned as a center for knowledge and wisdom across numerous generations. The Force Wars brought devastation, leading the Je'daii to abandon Tython, after which others began inhabiting the ruins of this ancient fortress-city. By the time the Jedi Order made their way back to their ancient origin during the Cold War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the resurgent Sith Empire, the temple at Kaleth was reduced to mere ruins.


Pre-Republic era

A civilization called the Kwa lived on Tython long before the arrival of the Tho Yor that carried the first Force-sensitives who would later establish the Je'daii Order. They constructed temples and other structures across the forested landscape. Eventually, the planet's population dwindled, and the Kwa temples fell into disrepair. In 36,453 BBY, hundreds of philosophers and scholars from across the galaxy arrived on Tython. They were transported from the stars aboard enormous pyramidal vessels known as the Tho Yor. These nine massive ships dispersed across the planet, landing in various locations and allowing their passengers to settle the world. These Tho Yor would become the very foundations for the new homes and places of learning for these travelers.

One of these Tho Yor came to rest in the Tythos Ridge, and it would later be known as Kaleth – a Je'daii term that translates to "sanctum." The philosophers, who identified as the Je'daii Order, built a stone structure beneath the massive floating ship, incorporating the ancient ruins of one of the Kwa temples within it. Kaleth held the highest importance among all the temples on the planet, serving as the meeting place for Je'daii leaders and a central gathering point for the entire Order. Critical issues were addressed, decisions were made, and judgments were delivered on behalf of the entire Order at Kaleth, which also housed the Je'daii's extensive library. Because of its significance, when the Despot War broke out in the Tython system, forces converged on Kaleth during the war's climactic conclusion.

Je'daii defend Kaleth from the warriors of the Shikaakwa army.

A Je'daii Temple Master was always in charge of the facility, overseeing its operations. In 25,793 BBY, Master Kora Ryo, a Twi'lek, held the position of Temple overseer. During his investigations, Ters Sendon, a Zabrak Je'daii Master, discovered the ancient Kwa temple deep within Kaleth's lower levels and came across an ancient holocron belonging to the Kwa philosopher A'nang. With the help of Tasha Ryo, a Je'daii Journeyer, the holocron was activated, and its gatekeeper offered to share its knowledge. After years of study and peace, the Force Wars erupted involving members of the first Jedi High Council and the dissenting Master Rajivari. Rajivari and his followers fortified themselves in the Temple of Knowledge as their former Jedi brothers and sisters converged on them. While Rajivari managed to escape, his followers all died, leaving behind only data files recording their final moments. At the end of the war, the Jedi Order left Tython, leaving Kaleth and the other temples to decay.

Despite this abandonment, other Force-sensitive groups from nearby worlds in the system attempted to re-establish settlements on Tython. Taking residence in the old Temple of Knowledge, Kaleth evolved into a city of sorts, with each subsequent government trying, but failing, to restore Kaleth to its former glory. Among these rulers were the powerful Lord Maravada the Silent and later Avamarivash the Warrior-Poet. Despite their contrasting ruling styles and beliefs, both of their reigns eventually ended, and the city remained in ruins, their legacies confined within the Chamber of Speech.

Return of the Jedi

Kaleth ruins during the Cold War

After Jedi Master Satele Shan rediscovered Tython, the Jedi Order moved their headquarters to their ancestral home world, replacing their Coruscant Temple that had been destroyed at the conclusion of the Great Galactic War. Upon finding Kaleth, many Jedi believed it would serve as an excellent foundation for their new Temple. However, the Jedi High Council decided it would be wiser to study Kaleth from a distance and chose to build their new Temple in a nearby valley just to the north of the site.

The Jedi established an archaeological camp at the ruins and were surprised to find ancient wardroids that attacked anyone who entered the site. The Jedi wondered why these droids, if designed by Jedi, were programmed to kill. Unbeknownst to the new inhabitants of Tython, the droids had been created by an ancient Jedi known as the Weapon Master to safeguard the First Blade, which served as the prototype for the modern lightsaber. Master Till'in headed the team tasked with uncovering the reason for the droids' attacks and hoped to solve the mystery surrounding the ancient fortress.


Kaleth was located in the western Tythos Ridge, nestled within a gently sloping mountain range. The massive fortress, accessible via two roads, including the Elarian Trail, was constructed from painted stone arranged in large geodesic circles on the faces of its four square towers.

After centuries of abandonment, the stone walls of Kaleth deteriorated, leaving only the lower levels intact. The entrance to the temple-city remained as a massive stone archway that opened into a spacious courtyard, where a towering statue stood guard over the entrance. The area contained numerous small structures, and stairs led to the few remaining levels. Various chambers were still occupied by war droids programmed to attack any intruders. A short path from one of the upper levels led into the mountain behind the city and contained the lost Chamber of Speech, a repository of historical records pertaining to the city-temple's past.

