Forsaken Den

The Forsaken Den represented a cave that existed inside the dilapidated remains of the Je'daii temple-city of Kaleth on the planet known as Tython. This cave held the broken remains of a meditation shrine, functioning as a hideout for the indigenous Flesh Raiders throughout their uprising which occurred in 3643 BBY. During this uprising, a Selkath Jedi by the name of Laotah attempted an investigation into the activities occurring there, but the Force-sensitive natives within the cave inflicted fatal injuries upon him. Nonetheless, the apprentice serving under Jedi Master Orgus Din received orders to destroy the base, and ultimately defeated all the Flesh Raiders present.

Behind the scenes

The Forsaken Den is featured in the BioWare MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic. Specifically, it is a story phase with class restrictions for the Jedi Knight mission entitled "Dark Temptations."

