
Laotah, a Selkath Jedi Knight, served both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the times of the Great Galactic War and the Cold War against the reconstituted Sith Empire. As one of the Jedi tasked with guarding the ruins of Kaleth on Tython, the Order's homeworld, Laotah met his end, losing his life at the hands of the native Flesh Raiders while investigating suspicious activity. In his final moments, he cautioned the Padawan of Jedi Master Orgus Din about the Flesh Raiders' strength. The Padawan then retrieved the Selkath's lightsaber from those who had slain him.


Laotah, a Force-sensitive Selkath, held the rank of Jedi Knight within the Jedi Order, and served during the Great Galactic War fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Long before the war concluded in 3653 BBY, Laotah was visiting Manaan, the Selkath homeworld, when the Empire attacked, obliterating all surface structures on the planet. Surviving the devastating assault, Laotah rescued Vinyor Tesh, a Nautolan child who had been orphaned by the bombardment. Subsequently, Laotah brought Tesh to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where the child was given a position within the Jedi Archives.

Decades afterward, in 3643 BBY, during the latter part of the Cold War that followed the Great Galactic War, Laotah was stationed on Tython, the ancestral homeworld of the Jedi, along with the rest of the Order. On Tython, Laotah was posted at the Jedi Temple, as part of a group of Knights overseeing the ruins of the ancient Je'daii temple, known as Kaleth. During the Flesh Raider uprising, Laotah observed security footage showing Flesh Raiders establishing a base in the Forsaken Den, a cave system near Kaleth. Seeking to understand the reasons behind the Flesh Raiders' attacks, he ventured out alone, suspecting a connection between the Flesh Raiders and the dark side of the Force, which he believed was driving their aggression against the Order. However, Laotah was unprepared for the Flesh Raiders' own use of the Force, and was severely wounded by them. One of the Flesh Raiders even managed to steal his lightsaber.

Weakened, Laotah made his way to the cave's entrance, where he encountered the apprentice of Jedi Master Orgus Din. He warned the Padawan of the Flesh Raiders' power and their possession of his lightsaber, before succumbing to his injuries and dying. The Padawan, who had been dispatched to drive the Flesh Raiders from the cave, succeeded in completing Laotah's mission and recovering the Knight's weapon from the Flesh Raiders. However, the Padawan was forced to damage the Selkath's lightsaber beyond repair during the fight with the Flesh Raider who had taken it.

Personality and traits

Laotah's lightsaber in the hands of his killer

Laotah, a Selkath with blue-gray skin and blue eyes, was considered one of the few Knights resilient enough to resist the dark side's influence present in Kaleth, and was thus assigned to guard the ruins. A thoughtful Jedi, Laotah sought to understand the motivations behind the Flesh Raiders' violent behavior, but he underestimated the danger they posed. This lack of preparation led to his demise. However, in his last moments, Laotah fulfilled his duty by passing on his mission to Orgus Din's apprentice. During his training, Laotah constructed a lightsaber with a blue blade, which was stolen by the Flesh Raider who killed him. The lightsaber was later retrieved when Orgus Din's apprentice defeated Laotah's killer.

Behind the scenes

Laotah was created for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released by BioWare on December 20, 2011. He makes an appearance in the Jedi Knight mission entitled "Dark Temptations." In this mission, the player is tasked with destroying a Flesh Raider base located within a cave in the ruins of Kaleth. Upon entering the cave, the player encounters the wounded Laotah, who warns the Padawan that the Flesh Raiders within possess the ability to use the dark side and have stolen his lightsaber. After Laotah's death at the end of their conversation, the player proceeds further into the cave, defeating the Flesh Raiders within, eventually confronting the Flesh Raider Bladewielder who wields Laotah's lightsaber against the Knight. The lightsaber can be recovered from the Bladewielder's corpse, but it is damaged beyond repair.

