During the Cold War era, specifically between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, a Flesh Raider known as the Flesh Raider Bladewielder existed on the planet of Tython. This Bladewielder, a Force-sensitive individual with gray skin adorned with white tattoos, was a participant in the Flesh Raider uprising of 3643 BBY. As part of this uprising, the Bladewielder's group was tasked with establishing a foothold within the ruined city of Kaleth, a former temple-city of the ancient Je'daii. This Flesh Raider achieved a position of authority by defeating Laotah, a Selkath Jedi who had been investigating their activities. The Bladewielder earned the title by fatally wounding Laotah and claiming his lightsaber. Wielding this blue-bladed weapon in combination with their inherent Force powers, the Bladewielder's reign came to an end when they were killed by the apprentice of Jedi Master Orgus Din, who had been dispatched to eliminate the Flesh Raider presence.
The character of the Flesh Raider Bladewielder made its debut in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the 2011 MMORPG developed by BioWare. Specifically, the Bladewielder is encountered as the boss enemy in the Jedi Knight storyline's "Dark Temptations" mission, which takes place on Tython. Interestingly, the initial item description for Laotah's lightsaber referred to the character as a "Flesh Raider firewielder," but this designation was later replaced with "Bladewielder" for the NPC's actual in-game name.