A Nautolan male Jedi Master named Vinyor Tesh operated during the third Galactic War, a conflict fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Tesh's training focused on, and he became an expert in, the preservation of the Jedi Archives.
Vinyor Tesh's birth occurred to a mother and father, both of whom were researchers stationed on Manaan. When Tesh was still young, the Sith Empire attacked the planet, resulting in the deaths of his parents. During this assault, the Jedi Laotah noticed him and brought him to Coruscant for training as a Jedi at the Jedi Temple.
During his training, Tesh specialized in the cataloging and research duties within the Jedi Archives. He found this work fulfilling, as it helped him maintain a connection to his deceased parents. Tesh was impacted by the attack on the Jedi Temple during the Imperial invasion of Coruscant, and was tasked with the recovery of damaged records.
Tesh progressed to the rank of Jedi Knight and eventually Jedi Master, joining Task Force Nova by 3626 BBY. Following the return of the Commander, Arn Peralun, and Aryn Leneer from their investigation on Dantooine at the old Jedi Enclave regarding Darth Malgus's activities, Master Gnost-Dural selected Tesh, along with Tau Idair and Sal-Deron, to discuss the future of the Jedi Order after the war against Zakuul. Gnost-Dural invited them because he considered them to be key representatives of the Order. Tesh voiced his disapproval of Leneer's presence at the meeting, arguing that she had forfeited her right to participate in Jedi affairs due to her past, but Peralun and Gnost-Dural rejected his objection. Gnost-Dural then assigned Tesh the task of examining the records of the Jedi Enclave to determine what Malgus had taken from the ruins.
After the assembly, Tesh offered an apology to the Commander for his initial coldness and the negative impression he had made. He expressed his desire to establish a productive working relationship with the Commander.
Tesh collaborated with Peralun to determine that the artifact stolen by Darth Malgus from Dantooine had once belonged to Darth Nul, but the intended use of the artifact and its nature remained unclear to them.
Tesh possessed firm beliefs, especially regarding the importance of upholding the Jedi Order's established traditions and protocols. He admitted to being cautious and slow to trust individuals he did not know well. Tesh placed a high value on the security of the Jedi Order and harbored suspicions of internal betrayal, leading him to believe that vigilance for potential spies within Task Force Nova was necessary. This belief stemmed from his conviction that the Jedi Order's decline during the Eternal Empire's attack was facilitated by internal assistance, a situation he was determined to prevent from recurring. Tesh was not agreeable to those who sought to change the Jedi Order in new ways, or those who challenged his beliefs.
Vinyor Tesh made his debut in the 2019 Onslaught expansion for the 2011 massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic, developed by BioWare. His introduction occurred within the "Secrets of the Enclave" flashpoint. Tesh's appearance is exclusive to the Republic storyline.