Kora Ryo

Kora Ryo, a female Twi'lek hailing from the planet Shikaakwa, achieved the rank of Je'daii Master within the Je'daii Order. She married Volnos Ryo, also a Shikaakwan, and they had a daughter named Tasha. However, their marriage ended when Volnos became a crime baron during the Despot War, which engulfed the Tython system around 25,805 BBY. As the Temple Master overseeing Kaleth, the Temple of Knowledge, Ryo managed its affairs and held a position on the Je'daii Council.


Originating from the planet Shikaakwa as a Force-sensitive female Twi'lek, Kora's aptitude with the Force was discovered and she was subsequently sent to Tython. There, she received training from the Je'daii Order and eventually became a Je'daii Master. Hawk Ryo, a Je'daii Ranger, introduced Kora to his older brother, Volnos Ryo. Volnos was a member of Shikaakwa's Clan Ryo, which was one of the Nine Houses of Shikaakwa, and a romantic relationship developed between them, leading to their marriage shortly thereafter. Volnos dedicated himself to scholarly pursuits and travel, and Kora gave birth to their daughter, Tasha. Nevertheless, the death of Volnos's father in 25,805 BBY, during the Despot War between the Despot Queen Hadiya and the Je'daii, resulted in Volnos becoming the Baron of Clan Ryo. Kora, repulsed by her husband's transformation into a crime lord, terminated their marriage in accordance with Je'daii law and returned to Tython with her daughter. By 25,793 BBY, Kora Ryo had risen to the position of Temple Master at Kaleth, the Temple of Knowledge. Ryo often meditated as she watched the sun Tythos set.

Kora Ryo in Kaleth

When an unknown ship crashed on Tython, Je'daii Rangers Rori Fenn and Hawk Ryo, accompanied by Temple Master Quan-Jang, were sent to investigate. Master Ryo analyzed the ship's readings while they surveyed the crash site. From the data, Ryo determined that the ship was much larger than any of the Tythan sleeper ships, and that both the crew and the ship were not native to the Tython system. After analyzing reports from the other temples, Ryo also came to the conclusion that a powerful Force Storm was developing across Tython. As the storm's strength grew, Temple Master Ketu initiated a holoconference with the other Temple Masters of the Je'daii Council. During this conference, Ryo shared her findings, stating that the current storm was as powerful as the one that occurred on the day of the Tho Yor Arrival many years ago.

When questioned by Master Ruhr, Ryo expressed her conviction that the crash of the unknown ship had triggered the storm. Kora was concerned to discover that her daughter, Tasha, was among the three Je'daii Journeyers pursuing the lone survivor of the crash into the Rift, a massive ravine on Tython. Shortly thereafter, as the storm continued to intensify, Ryo joined forces with the other Temple Masters through the Force and assisted Quan-Jang in rebalancing the Force on Tython, thereby diminishing the storm's intensity. Once the storm's threat had subsided, the Council convened to pass judgement on the survivor, Xesh, a powerful dark side warrior. They decided to exile him to the moon of Bogan in order to help him regain his balance.

Several weeks later, Kora was trying to meditate at sunset at Kaleth, but her meditations were interrupted by a holocall from Volnos. He demanded that she abandon the Je'daii and return to Shikaakwa with their daughter, claiming that she was still his wife under Shikaakwan law. Kora refused, stating that she had dissolved their marriage according to Je'daii law. She also reminded Volnos that his position as a crime lord made it impossible for their family to ever be together. A few days later, after the recapture of the mad Je'daii Daegen Lok following his escape from Bogan, Ryo and the other Masters held a conference to determine Lok's sentence. The insane Je'daii insisted that the Masters force his friend Hawk Ryo to reveal what he had witnessed in the Chasm, a rift in Tython's surface that caused terrifying hallucinations and was the reason for Lok's madness.

Personality and traits

Kora and Volnos Ryo

Ryo, a blue-skinned Twi'lek with black eyes, adorned her lekku, or head-tails, with dark blue coverings. She also wore flowing robes and a headdress decorated with orange tassels. As a scholar and skilled analyst serving as the Temple Master of Kaleth, Ryo identified more with the Je'daii way of life than with Shikaakwan customs. She felt disgusted by her husband's criminal activities as a corrupt crime baron. Deeply devoted to her daughter, she made every effort to shield Tasha from the corrupting influence of her father.

Behind the scenes

Kora Ryo made her initial appearance in Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi 0, which served as a preview issue for the Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi comic book series. She was also featured on a variant cover by Gonzalo Flores for the first issue. However, Flores's cover mistakenly portrayed Ryo with pink skin. Kora's first official appearance was in the third issue, and she made subsequent appearances in the fourth, fifth, and seventh issues.

