The nine temple-cities known as the Je'daii Temples were built by the Je'daii Order across the various continents of Tython. These temples marked the landing sites of the enigmatic and ancient Tho Yor. A crucial aspect of each Order member's training involved a Great Journey, where each young Je'daii Journeyer had to visit all nine temples. This journey allowed them to learn from the masters and instructors at each location, a necessary step before they could be promoted to the rank of Ranger.
Here are the Nine Je'daii Temples found on Tython:
- Akar Kesh - The Temple of Balance
- Anil Kesh - The Temple of Science
- Bodhi - The Temple of the Arts
- Mahara Kesh - The Temple of Healing
- Kaleth - The Temple of Knowledge
- Padawan Kesh - The Je'daii Academy
- Stav Kesh - The Temple of Martial Arts
- Qigong Kesh - The Temple of Force Skills
- Vur Tepe - The Forge
Akar Kesh, the Temple of Balance, held the highest significance. It was situated within and on top of a massive monolith that emerged from the ground, distinguished by eight major rivers that flowed from its peak down its sides. The largest Tho Yor hovered above this monolith, with the Temple of Balance located beneath it. The continent of Talss housed at least three Temples: Kaleth, Anil Kesh, and Vur Tepe. The Temple of Science, Anil Kesh, spanned the Chasm and was situated several kilometers east of the Old City, which itself was in the southern Red Desert. The Je'daii temples of Kaleth, the Temple of Knowledge, and Vur Tepe, the Forge, were situated on the same continent but separated by the extensive Tythos Ridge.
On the continent of Thyr, the expansive Temple of Force Skills, Qigong Kesh, was located in the Silent Desert, with rocky plains and the peculiar Stark Forests separating it from the Thyrian Ocean. Stav Kesh, the Temple of Martial Arts, was positioned high in the Ice Giant Range on Kato Zakar, a continent south of Thyr. South of Thyr was the island of Masara, the location of Bodhi, the Temple of the Arts, which was along the southern coast beyond the Edge Forest. Padawan Kesh, the Je'daii Academy, was located on the same continent, though at a distance from Bodhi. Mahara Kesh, the Temple of Healing, stood in the middle of the Deep Ocean and was known for having the best medical resources on the planet.