
The Chasm was a substantial canyon situated at a high altitude within the mountains of the continent Talss on the planet Tython.


Seemingly without a bottom, the Chasm cut through the mountainous terrain of the Talss continent, a deep fissure plagued by Force Storms and unusual occurrences. Je'daii scientists asserted that this gorge embodied the Force at its most enigmatic, dedicating themselves to its continuous study through both scientific methods and Force-related insights. Je'daii Journeyers, en route to this location as part of their Great Journey, were obligated to undergo an introductory period to lessen any feelings of unease experienced near the Chasm. Force Storms raged within the Chasm's depths, resulting in extreme weather patterns that constantly battered the Temple. Passages existed within the Chasm's lower rock formations, a fact the Je'daii kept concealed. The Chaos Wall, an intangible boundary known to the Je'daii, marked the furthest point one could descend into the Chasm without succumbing to insanity. Those trained in the Force faced madness upon contact, while those without Force abilities became catatonic or met their end. Even droids were incapable of breaching this barrier, their circuits melting and power cores exploding. Similarly, the exploratory beam emitted from the core of Anil Kesh was inexplicably blocked by this invisible wall.


Je'daii exploration

Kwa had erected an Infinity Gate at the Chasm's base, connecting the planet to their expansive network of transgalactic portals. This Prime Gate stood as the most potent of the Kwa gates, uniquely requiring no corresponding access point on the other side. It could transport individuals to any location within the galaxy. As the Infinite Empire gained prominence and the Rakata sought to commandeer the Infinity Gate network, the Kwa sabotaged their technology and concealed crucial gates. They established a barrier, later termed the Chaos Wall, around the Tython Gate. Crossing this field induced madness unless one visualized a specific Kwa sigil. Even from a distance, this Kwa barrier within the Chasm disrupted the senses of those strong in the Force, with the interference intensifying deeper into the gorge. In this mysterious setting, a Tho Yor landed in 36,453 BBY, drawing a community of pilgrims to its location. Over time, the Temple of Science, Anil Kesh, materialized above the Chasm's gaping void, suspended between the peaks of three rugged rock formations. With the Tho Yor gracefully hovering above, the Temple evolved into a pilgrimage site for members of the Je'daii Order, who dedicated their time to unraveling the mysteries of the Chasm below.

The Chasm exerted a peculiar allure on visiting Je'daii, both repulsive and captivating in its enigmatic nature. During her Great Journey, Lanoree Brock questioned whether all Je'daii shared her fascination with the Chasm, as she felt an overwhelming urge to plunge into its depths. Following the Despot War, Je'daii Master Daegen Lok developed a deep interest in the Chasm. He persuaded his friend, Je'daii Ranger Hawk Ryo, to join him in exploring the Chasm's depths, seeking to satisfy their thirst for adventure. Dismissing the threat of madness as mere myth, the war veterans descended using jetpacks. As they descended, Ryo detected a buzzing sensation in his head and urged Lok to turn back. Lok insisted on courage and pushing their limits. Further down, the Master began to perceive faint lights. Unknowingly breaching the Chaos Wall, Lok and Ryo experienced a harrowing vision of a future war with the Rakata. Staring into the abyss, they appeared to succumb to fear-induced madness and fled back to the surface to share their vision with the Je'daii Council. Meeting at Akar Kesh, the Council deemed them insane, exiling the pair to the Bogan moon to contemplate Ashla and rediscover balance. Ryo spent time on Bogan but quickly disavowed his belief in the vision, convincing himself that Lok had lost his mind and suppressing thoughts of invasion and devastation.

During Shae Koda's Great Journey, she received training from Je'daii Temple Master Quan-Jang in the beast pens of Anil Kesh. While practicing taming her rancor-dragon above the Chasm, Koda lost control of the creature and nearly fell into the abyss after a Force projection assaulted her mind. This image, depicting Force Hound Xesh, served as a warning to the Je'daii Order about the impending arrival of the Infinite Empire.

Race for the Infinity Gate

When the Infinite Empire's Force Hound Xesh detected Tython's Force signature, he guided his master, Predor Skal'nas, to the system to initiate an invasion. During the conflict with the Je'daii Order, Xesh captured Daegen Lok, the Je'daii who had foreseen the Rakatan invasion by venturing into the Chasm. By invading Lok's mind to gain a clearer understanding of his vision, the Predor extracted information confirming the existence of the lost Kwa Infinity Gate at the Chasm's bottom. Simultaneously, Je'daii seers involved in the war effort received a vision of the coming battle at the Chasm, enabling the Order to establish a defense within the canyon's storm-ridden crags.

On the battle's eve, Je'daii seer Tasha Ryo and her mentor, Ters Sendon, consulted the A'nang Holocron to uncover the Rakatan's objective in the Chasm. As the battle commenced, the Force imbalance caused violent Force storms to erupt within the Chasm, and the rocks and canyon to split and tremble from the turmoil. Utilizing secret passages, Lok led Xesh and Skal'nas into the Chasm's depths to evade the battle above. Explaining that the Chaos Wall was impenetrable and that madness awaited beyond, Skal'nas revealed that Rakatan legend described a way past the barrier: holding the Kwa Empire's sigil in one's mind. With the symbol carved into the side of the Tho Yor hovering above the Chasm, Skal'nas and Xesh easily visualized it and descended past the wall, leaving Lok chained to a rock above. When Shae Koda descended to free Lok, he joined her on her rancor-dragon and implanted the sigil's image in her mind, allowing them to safely pursue. At the Chasm's bottom, the Pre'dor and the Je'daii prepared to fight for control of the Infinity Gate, a glowing, primordial pool in the ground below. Despite the efforts of Je'daii Koda and Lok, Predor Skal'nas proved more powerful and successfully activated the Prime Gate, securing its power for his own purposes.

Above the Chasm, deep within Anil Kesh, seer Ryo and Sendon deduced the Tho Yor's true purpose from A'nang's holocron. Using the holocron as the fail-safe it was designed to be in the event of a Rakatan attack, Ryo sacrificed herself to initiate a defensive sequence in the Tho Yor, unleashing a devastating blast into the Chasm's heart and destroying the Prime Gate. Skal'nas, having just secured the Gate, watched in horror as the pathway to the galaxy was instantly obliterated. Before he could process his loss, his Force Hound Xesh bisected the Predor, and his corpse plunged into the primordial pool of the ruined gate, dissolving his flesh and consuming his remains.

Behind the scenes

While Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi 0 initially identified the Chasm as the Rift, Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void clarified that they were separate canyons. The Chasm was situated in a mountain range six hundred kilometers east of the Rift, and it was the Chasm that influenced Force usage.

