Lanoree Brock

Lanoree Brock, a Human female Je'daii Ranger, existed during the era of the Force Wars. Dalien Brock was her younger sibling.


Early life

As a Force-sensitive Human female, Lanoree Brock was born to two Je'daii Masters. She spent her formative years at the Temple of Arts, known as Bodhi, on Tython, alongside her younger brother Dalien. Lanoree fostered a strong protective instinct towards Dalien, and they both pursued their studies at Padawan Kesh before embarking on their joint Great Journey.

Great Journey

Lanoree Brock began her rite of passage as a teenager. She journeyed alongside Dalien to Qigong Kesh, the Temple of Force Skills, surviving encounters with predators like hook hawks and silik lizards along the way. Under the tutelage of Master Ter'cay, they trained in the ways of the Force, with Ter'cay employing Force telepathy to communicate with Lanoree in the Silent Desert. During this period, Lanoree realized Dalien was unable to perceive Ter'cay's thoughts through the Force. While at Qigong Kesh, Lanoree broadened her understanding of the Force, mastering suggestion, telepathy, and self-control.

After their time at Qigong Kesh, Lanoree and Dalien made their way to Stav Kesh, the Temple of Martial Arts. On their journey, they were attacked by a flame tygah. Lanoree initially intended to let Dalien handle the situation to build his confidence, but she intervened when his blaster malfunctioned, using the Force to repel the creature. At Stav Kesh, they trained under Master Tave, learning about the crucial link between breathing and combat. Throughout their training, Lanoree struggled to accept Dalien's perceived shortcomings in the Force, often attributing any success of his to luck rather than skill.

In one particular training exercise led by Master Kin'ade, the Journeyers were tasked with fighting a Darrow sphere while deprived of their senses. Dalien's uncontrolled blaster fire resulted in injuries to Lanoree and potentially other Journeyers, leading to Kin'ade knocking him unconscious. Following this incident, Kin'ade, Lanoree, and Dalien were asked to recount the events to Temple Master Lha-Mi. On their final day at Stav Kesh, the Brocks and other Journeyers engaged in sparring matches. Lanoree consciously held back against Dalien, avoiding the use of the Force, but ultimately defeated him with a Force punch. Before their departure, Lha-Mi cautioned Lanoree about her brother, warning that Dalien was becoming increasingly unstable and dangerous.

Lanoree and Dalien then proceeded to Anil Kesh, the Temple of Science. Their journey involved crossing the treacherous [Moon Channel](/article/moon_channel] without escort, where they had to cooperate to fend off attacks from a gelfish swarm and a sea serpent. Upon arriving at Anil Kesh, Lanoree felt unwell due to the Force Storms emanating from the Chasm beneath the temple. It was at Anil Kesh that Lanoree discovered her passion for science and alchemy, studying under Master Dam-Powl, who believed she had the potential to become her most accomplished student. Immersing herself in her studies, Lanoree began to prioritize her own interests over her brother's and started learning the secrets of the alchemy of flesh from Dam-Powl.

During their time at Anil Kesh, Dalien and Lanoree were separated for four days while Dalien accompanied Master Quan-Jang to the Riftlands. Dalien subsequently fled into the dangerous Abyss of Ruh. Master Quan-Jang and other Je'daii managed to capture Dalien and bring him back to Anil Kesh, where he encountered Lanoree and another Journeyer, Skott Yun. When Yun attempted to apprehend Dalien, Dalien murdered him and escaped. Lanoree pursued her brother alone across the Red Desert and into the Old City, but only found his bloodied clothes after hearing him scream, leading her and the Je'daii to presume he was dead.

Ultimately, Lanoree finished her Great Journey without Dalien, concluding it at Mahara Kesh, where she learned about the Force's healing properties.

Je'daii Ranger

Brock as a Je'daii Ranger

At some point, Brock served as a negotiator on Ska Gora. Before negotiations concluded, one of the involved parties was killed and forests were set fire.

Negotiations on Zerist

Around the year 25,793 BBY, Lanoree Brock and fellow Je'daii Ranger Hawk Ryo were dispatched to Zerist by the Je'daii Council. Their mission was to resolve a dispute between the Dessain Mining company and its miners, who were at odds over voting rights within the company. They were also tasked with locating the kidnapped girl, Oma Dessain. Eomin Dessain, the leader of Dessain's management, opposed giving voting rights to anyone outside the family. Oma was to marry Brom Santis, the eldest son of the miners' leader Arko Santis, as the marriage would give Brom a voice for the miners. Brock mediated between the two factions, while Ryo searched for Oma. Ryo later commed Brock, informing her that his crime lord brother, Baron Volnos Ryo, might be involved in Oma's kidnapping and that he may have located her whereabouts.

Realizing that both sides were on the verge of conflict, Brock fired her slugthrower into the ceiling to get everyone's attention and proposed that they resume negotiations. After Ryo rescued Oma Betolo, Eomin's servant, poisoned Brock's drink, Vaisamond red wine, in an attempt to assassinate her. Using the Force, she stopped Betolo from fleeing, who then confessed his betrayal of the Dressians and expressed his hope for Oma's death. Ryo later returned Oma to Eomin, but Oma refused to marry Brom. Sympathizing with Oma, Brock suggested the practice of Fostering.

This practice would involve both children living with the other's family for six months, allowing Brom to represent the miners' interests and Oma to experience their lives firsthand. After both parties agreed to the suggestion and the details were finalized, Brock and Ryo met at the local spaceport and parted ways. Brock returned to Tython after being summoned by the Je'daii Council for her next mission, while Ryo traveled to Furies Gate to meditate.

Ghosts from the past

On Tython, Brock attended a secret meeting with six Je'daii Council Masters. She learned that her presumed dead brother, Dalien, was alive. Now leading the Stargazers, he was attempting to activate a hypergate in the Old City ruins using dark matter, which had the potential to destroy the entire system. Before leaving Tython, Brock received a message pod with a recording from Master Dam-Powl, who informed her of a Twi'lek named Tre Sana on Kalimahr who, while not a Je'daii, could be of assistance. Dam-Powl, while acknowledging Sana's past service, warned Brock to be cautious of him, describing him as dangerous.


Brock traveled to [Rhol Yan](/article/rhol_yan], a city-state on Kalimahr, to meet Sana. During their meeting, Brock discovered that the hypergate's power source might be of Gree origin. Subsequently, Brock survived an assassination attempt by a Noghri assassin, who attacked her with two blasters before detonating a suicide bomb. From Lorus, a Sith captain of the local militia, Brock learned that the Noghri had been a Stargazer and about Kara, a wealthy individual rumored to fund the Stargazers, despite not openly affiliating with them.

Sana then took Brock to meet Kara. Kara revealed that the Stargazers used an abandoned Dai Bendu temple owned by her. When Kara insisted that her visitors leave, Sana incapacitated her with a stun tube, allowing Brock and Sana to search the room. Brock found a book on the Gree by Osamael Or in Kara's library, escaping with Sana by jumping out the window and landing on her Peacemaker, piloted by her ship droid, Ironholgs.

Brock and Sana traveled to the Dai Bendu temple, only to find it had been quickly abandoned. Brock found evidence of Dalien's presence, but they were forced to flee when Sana discovered a timed bomb. The bomb destroyed the temple, but Brock and Sana escaped unharmed in the Peacemaker. From a comm unit recovered by Sana before the explosion, Ironholgs determined that the Stargazers were communicating with individuals on the planet Nox.


The trail brought Brock and Sana to Greenwood Station, a facility known for producing advanced military technology. Through one of Sana's contacts, a Zabrak named Domm, Brock and Sana learned the location of Maxhagan, who they believed could find Dalien. After searing Domm's memory, Brock traveled with Sana to District Six, where Maxhagan ran a water stall. They hired Maxhagan to find Dalien, and he later reported that Dalien was in Pan Deep, a location in the base of Greenwood Station's central tower.

Brock and Sana infiltrated Pan Deep, only to be captured by Dalien and his Stargazers. They discovered that the device for activating the hypergate was complete. Dalien, unwilling to kill his sister, left Pan Deep with the Stargazers, leaving a Cathar Stargazer to kill Brock after he departed. Though Sana created a distraction, allowing Brock to blind the Cathar, they barely survived the Cathar's suicide bomb.

Despite their injuries, Brock and Sana escaped Pan Deep to Greenwood Station, where they found that Dalien had instigated a bloody conflict between Greenwood Station and Knool Tandoor to cover his escape. Unable to stop the violence, Brock and Sana were forced to flee Nox, shooting down their pursuers.


Using a tracker she had planted on Dalien's boot in Pan Deep, Brock followed his ship to Ran Dan's Folly, a small mining outpost on Sunspot, where she believed he would charge the device in preparation for the hypergate. Alone, Brock entered the mine, but was distracted by the intense heat and knocked unconscious by the Stargazers. Though she awakened, she was unable to stop Dalien from charging his device with a marionium cube. Before leaving again, Dalien shot her in the chest, leaving her for dead.

Fortunately, Sana rescued her, bringing her back to the Peacemaker, where Brock healed her blaster wound using her skills in the alchemy of flesh. Brock and Sana escaped Sunspot as Malterra passed close by, causing magnetic interference and space storms that destroyed Ironholgs but not the Peacemaker.

Ending the chase

Brock slept as the Peacemaker approached Tython, repeatedly dreaming of a cloaked figure during their approach. Upon landing, she discovered a Force storm, which had caused Dalien's craft to crash. Brock and Sana pursued Dalien and his remaining Stargazers into the Old City. Sana was shot in the neck along the way, and Brock continued alone to confront Dalien, finding him as he was about to activate the hypergate.

Brock attempted to stop Dalien by sharing a childhood memory, followed by visions of the horrors she had witnessed on Nox, Sunspot, and Tython during her pursuit. Instead of relenting, Dalien attacked Brock in a rage, throwing a blade into her palm and striking her repeatedly. However, with the Force's assistance, Brock defeated her brother, blocking his knife attacks with her sword. When Dalien lunged at the device, she was forced to kill him.

After the fight, Brock brought the injured Sana back to Anil Kesh for treatment. Although she and Dam-Powl sensed her imbalance due to killing her brother, Brock believed she would not fall. Brock then traveled alone to Kalimahr, only to find that Kara and other prominent members of the Rhol Yan community had disappeared, leading Brock to suspect that Dalien and his followers had been manipulated by Kara and others like her.

Personality and traits

Lanoree Brock was a human female with auburn hair, gray eyes, and a tan complexion. She often wore exotic accessories from her travels, including scarves from Kalimahr, bangles with precious stones from Ska Gora, and a leather sword sheath made from the skin of a screech lizard from one of Obri's moons. Standing at six feet tall, Brock believed she presented an imposing figure.

As a child, Brock was fiercely protective of her younger brother Dalien and took pride in saving his life. She was saddened by his rejection of the Force and constantly tried to encourage him to embrace it. During her Great Journey, Brock felt responsible for her brother, chasing him alone to the Old City after he murdered a fellow Journeyer and fled Anil Kesh.

As a Ranger, Brock enjoyed physical exertion, believing that strength in the Force was linked to physical strength. She also enjoyed challenging herself, manually calculating flight paths instead of relying on her computer. She was possessive of her Peacemaker, viewing it as her home and heavily customizing it and her ship droid, Ironholgs, for functionality. Brock preferred solitude, disliking having others aboard her ship and often talking to herself or Ironholgs. She would sometimes record her thoughts on her missions in her ship log.

Brock was haunted by the outcome of the Ska Gora negotiations. She believed that Oma Dessain shouldn't have been forced into an arranged marriage for the miners to have a voice in Dessain Mining.

Power and abilities

Lanoree Brock was confident in her strength and balance in the Force and was quite powerful, able to shield herself from point-blank explosions.

She was also skilled in telekinesis. However, her greatest talent was the alchemy of flesh. Master Dam-Powl recognized her potential and took her as a student, believing she could become her best. This ability allowed her to sear Domm's memory, preventing him from remembering anything for a time, and to survive a blaster shot to the chest, leaving her skin rough and scarred but intact.

Brock could understand the body language of Twi'leki, surprising Tre Sana, though he claimed nothing about the Je'daii could surprise him.

Behind the scenes

Lanoree Brock's first appearance was in Tim Lebbon's blog on in the short story The Adventures of Lanoree Brock, Je'daii Ranger, posted on April 24, 2013. She then appeared in John Ostrander's short story Eruption, published in Star Wars Insider 141 and released on April 30, 2013. Brock later appeared in Tim Lebbon's novel Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void, released on May 7.

