Kara (Je'daii)

Kara, a severely overweight Human female, resided on the planet of Kalimahr within the Tython system during the era of the Infinite Empire. Like all inhabitants of that system, she remained ignorant of the existence of the Rakata and their vast galactic empire. Once a Je'daii, Kara had spent a significant amount of time with the Je'daii Order on Tython, eventually acquiring a Force-imbued blade. However, she chose to leave Tython and become a prominent social figure in the city of Rhol Yan. In secret, she, along with other affluent individuals on Kalimahr, constituted the leadership of the Stargazers, providing financial support to maintain hidden bases and compensate acolytes as they pursued their grand scheme to escape their isolated system and explore the wider galaxy.


Early life

Much of Kara's history, as a Human female, is based on speculation and conjecture. Lanoree Brock, a Je'daii Ranger, believed that Kara had been a member of the Je'daii Order in her younger years. Kara was a Force-sensitive individual who possessed a Force-imbued blade originating from Tython. Regardless of her connection to the Order, it had been severed long ago, and the Order's leaders had forgotten about her time on Tython. As one of the Shunned, Kara's link to the Force had weakened, and she found it impossible to maintain balance as she grew to despise the Force. Establishing a life for herself on Kalimahr, Kara accumulated wealth by mining swing dust, eventually becoming the owner of several independent businesses. In her youth, she considered herself an adventurer and completed the three-hundred-day journey to Furies Gate, the space station located at the system's edge. She spent twenty days there, gazing into the void from one of the large viewing stations, yearning to discover what lay beyond the system. After returning, Kara's wanderlust eventually led to extreme obesity, causing her hair to fall out and forcing her to rely on a hoverchair for mobility. Residing in the penthouse of a spire in Rhol Yan, Kara rarely left her apartment as she grew increasingly large, prioritizing her privacy and funding her interests remotely.


Around 25,793 BBY, the elderly Kara began to finance the [Stargazers](/article/stargazers], an organization that she and other wealthy individuals in the system supported in hopes of discovering a means of escaping the system. Having gathered a small group of followers, they arranged for Dalien Brock, a failed Je'daii Journeyer, to become the figurehead leader of the group. They controlled his actions from afar, encouraging him to uncover ancient Gree technology hidden deep within Tython's Old City using texts that Kara had collected throughout her life, including The Gree, and Everything I Have Found of Them in the Old City, an ancient journal penned by the Je'daii Osamael Or. Kara secretly informed the Je'daii about Brock's plan to create a device that would activate the rumored hypergate beneath the Old City, hoping to pressure Brock into working faster as pressure against him increased. When Ranger Lanoree Brock was dispatched to investigate her brother's involvement with the Stargazers and uncover his manipulation of dark matter, she was directed to Kara by Lorus, a Kalimahr militia Captain, who suspected Kara's connection to the group but lacked sufficient reason to arrest or interrogate her. Upon arriving at Kara's apartment, Ranger Brock found Kara preoccupied with conversation and food, providing fragmented information but nothing that implicated her in initiating the Stargazer movement or jeopardizing its goals. When Kara demanded that Ranger Brock and her companion, a Twi'lek named Tre Sana, leave, Sana incapacitated her with a stun dart, rendering her unconscious. While she lay on the floor, Brock and Sana searched her apartment, discovering a hidden room containing numerous rare, handwritten texts, including the Journal of Osamael Or. The Je'daii took the book and left through the window, leaving Kara behind, disoriented and exhausted from the encounter.

After recovering, Kara removed all her belongings from her apartment and disappeared without a trace. While security personnel and others in the building who knew Kara offered little information during Ranger Brock's subsequent investigation, she sensed that none of them knew where the obese woman had gone or what her plans were following the failure of the Stargazer Uprising.

