Before the establishment of the Galactic Republic, a frontiersman named Osamael Or ventured to the planet of Tython circa 35,453 BBY.
Osamael Or, a descendant of the original Force-sensitive pilgrims brought to Tython by the Tho Yor, resided there with his family. As a member of the Tythans group known as Frontiersmen, Or was active when Force Storms frequently devastated the world, occasionally carrying away Je'daii and their non-Forceful families and fellow settlers. While many Frontiersmen desired to explore beyond Tython and reach for the stars, Or maintained that distance was irrelevant when it came to finding a worthy destination. Other Tythans disagreed with Or, arguing that there were more valuable activities than investigating ancient ruins that could benefit their society. Many began to consider Or insane, his sanity eroded by his fixations. By the time of his final expedition, Or was unable to gather any companions, as all his allies had abandoned him.
During his explorations of the Red Desert on the continent of Talss, he traveled to the Old City and went deep beneath the city's surface into the intricate structures that extended far below. Or never returned to the Je'daii or his Tythan peers, and concerns about his well-being grew. After Or was declared missing, his family felt obligated to search for him. They entered the Old City, but none were willing to go very far. By the end of the search, only his sister remained convinced that Or was still alive somewhere below, believing that he would eventually return with incredible knowledge.
Although his family never discovered the truth, Or's existence transformed into a myth, a cautionary tale passed down to young Je'daii about venturing too far into darkness. Or did, in fact, survive, and he documented his discoveries in a journal. He called his simple paper and card journal The Gree, and Everything I Have Found of Them in the Old City. Deep within the Old City, Or described Gree culture and Gree technology that far surpassed anything the Tythans possessed. This diary later fell into the hands of Kalimahr industrialist Kara, who kept the leather-bound book in a secret collection of ancient artifacts. Written in a script unfamiliar to the Je'daii nine millennia after Or's time, the text described what was referred to as a device powered by dark matter, which was translated as a 'step to the stars'. When the Je'daii Council uncovered a plot to activate the gate, Je'daii Ranger Lanoree Brock broke into Kara's residence and seized the diary. After reading it, Brock concluded that there must have been more information in other journals, as it was incomplete. Indeed, Dalien Brock and the Stargazers had seized upon Or's legendary discoveries and began to diligently construct a dark matter device to activate the hypergate rumored to be beneath the Old City in an effort to leave Tython. Despite their success in creating a device, the Stargazers were defeated by Je'daii Brock, who killed their leader and took possession of the device.