Lha-Mi was not only a Talid but also a Dai Bendu monk. Furthermore, he held the distinguished position of Je'daii Temple Master within the Je'daii Order on Tython, specifically during the apex of the Infinite Empire's power.
As a Force-sensitive individual belonging to the Talid species, Lha-Mi underwent extensive training in the Force under the tutelage of both the Je'daii Order and the Order of Dai Bendu. This training took place on the planet Tython, which was one of the nine planets comprising the Tython system and collectively known as the Settled Worlds. Lha-Mi's prowess with a sword became the stuff of legends, leading to his appointment as a Je'daii Temple Master, a role reserved for the Order's highest-ranking members. In this capacity, Lha-Mi presided over the Great Temple of Martial Arts, known as Stav Kesh. He was aided in his responsibilities by Je'daii Master Tave. Together with the other Temple Masters, Lha-Mi formed the Masters' Council, which convened via holocommunication at the Temple of Balance, Akar Kesh.
Around 25,802 BBY, during their Great Journey, Je'daii Journeyers Dalien and Lanoree Brock found themselves studying at Stav Kesh. It was during this time that the siblings were summoned before the Temple Master, following injuries sustained during a training session with Master Kin'ade and her Darrow Sphere. Dalien's frustration with his limited Force abilities resulted in injuries to both himself and his sister, necessitating Kin'ade's intervention. After hearing their account of the incident, Lha-Mi dismissed Kin'ade and the younger Brock, requesting that Lanoree remain for a more in-depth discussion regarding her future and the understanding that Dalien's path was his own to navigate. As the Brock siblings neared the end of their time at Stav Kesh, Lha-Mi oversaw a controlled sparring match in the Great Hall, alongside Masters Kin'ade and Tave. The Brocks, along with two Cathar twins, a Wookiee, and a Twi'lek, showcased their skills to the Masters one final time, with Tave and Kin'ade subtly using the Force to mitigate the impact of their blows and prevent injuries. Following the conclusion of the sparring match, Lha-Mi invited Lanoree Brock to his sparsely furnished chambers for a final meeting before her departure the next morning. The Temple Master revealed to Brock a hexagonal room, its walls adorned with framed portraits of numerous beings from across the system whom Lha-Mi felt he had failed. He conveyed to her that he maintained this room as a constant reminder that no Je'daii, not even a Temple Master, is without flaws.
During the events of the Stargazer Uprising, Lha-Mi orchestrated a meeting with Je'daii Ranger Lanoree Brock on board his Peacemaker-class cruiser. This clandestine gathering took place in a secluded field located thirty kilometers to the south of Akar Kesh. The meeting was attended by Masters Dam-Powl, Tem Madog, Xiang, a Wookiee, and one other individual. Lha-Mi convened this secretive assembly to address the escalating issue of Dalien Brock's Stargazer cult. Ranger Brock was chosen due to her involvement in the Hang Layden accords on Kalimahr, a successful mission to Nox, and her elimination of the leader of Wookiee dissidents on Ska Gora, Gharcanna. Furthermore, the fact that Dalien and Lanoree were siblings played a role in her selection. She was briefed on the threat he posed to the Order. Brock and his cult harbored the desire to leave the Tython system and intended to do so by activating a hypergate rumored to be hidden deep within the Old City, situated far out in the Red Desert on the continent of Talss. While Lha-Mi strongly refuted the existence of the hypergate, even resorting to using the Force to seal the cabin of his starship when it was mentioned, he emphasized that the true danger to Tython lay in the method Brock planned to use to open the gate. The Je'daii theorized that a device utilizing the ancient technology of the Gree to generate dark matter could potentially create a black hole if activated on Tython, potentially leading to the destruction of the entire system. In an effort to prevent panic and avoid inadvertently attracting more supporters to Brock's cause by sending a larger group to apprehend him, the Masters concluded that a lone Ranger would be the most effective approach.
By the time he held the position of Temple Master of Stav Kesh, Lha-Mi had become known as a wise and venerable being, and a warrior of legendary status on Tython. Lha-Mi, who wielded a similarly legendary sword, possessed a gentle and compassionate demeanor that belied his lethal abilities. Displaying humility and balance in the Force, Lha-Mi maintained a public room at Stav Kesh filled with portraits of those he felt he had failed, serving as a constant reminder of the inherent imperfection of all Je'daii.