
Dam-Powl was a Je'daii Master of the Cathar female species. She was a member of the Je'daii Order who resided on Tython during the peak of the Infinite Empire's power.


Dam-Powl, a member of the Je'daii Order, was a Force-sensitive individual who had attained the rank of Master by the year 10,667 TYA. At this time, she commenced teaching Force alchemy at the Temple of Science, known as Anil Kesh. Upon the arrival of Je'daii Journeyer Lanoree Brock at the Temple, Dam-Powl took on the responsibility of instructing Brock in the skills necessary to master the Alchemy of flesh. This was a hazardous skill set that would test Brock's ability to maintain balance in the Force. Dam-Powl considered Brock her most esteemed student, and they maintained a close bond in the years following Brock's departure from the academy. Sometime during her tenure at Anil Kesh, Dam-Powl genetically modified the Twi'lek named Tre Sana in exchange for promises of wealth, a new identity, and a better existence, away from the criminal organization he was involved with on Kalimahr. Sana served as her informant and spy for a period, and Dam-Powl utilized him during the Stargazer Uprising, assigning him the task of assisting Je'daii Brock in her pursuit of her wayward brother, Dalien Brock. In the year preceding the Force Wars, Dam-Powl occasionally filled the role of Temple Master of Anil Kesh whenever Temple Master Quan-Jang was absent or otherwise occupied.

