A male Noghri Je'daii Master named Tave served the Je'daii Order on Tython. This was during the peak of the Infinite Empire's power.
Tave, a male Noghri who was Force-sensitive, received training in the Force from the Je'daii Order. This training took place on Tython, one of the Settled Worlds that comprised the nine planets of the Tython system. Tave rose through the ranks to become a Je'daii Master and was then appointed as the assistant to Master Lha-Mi, who held the position of Je'daii Temple Master at Stav Kesh, the Great Temple of Martial Arts. Tave, along with Master Kin'ade, was a key instructor at Stav Kesh, where he oversaw the initial breathing exercises required for survival in the Ice Giant Range's thin atmosphere. Tave was known for his stoicism and patience. His instruction on the lower balconies of the Temple typically involved instructing his students to attack him, with successful strikes being rare. Master Tave's defense primarily involved traditional martial arts techniques, and he avoided using the Force to defend himself from his students during hand-to-hand combat.
During the Great Journey undertaken by Lanoree and Dalien Brock, Tave commenced their training alongside four other Je'daii Journeyers. Recognizing Dalien's moderate Force abilities, Tave assumed responsibility for his instruction in traditional fighting styles, while Kin'ade supervised the others' training in Force-based martial arts. During the final combat exercise held in Stav Kesh's Great Hall, Tave and Kin'ade stood by the battle ring, prepared to use the Force to lessen the impact of blows and prevent any serious harm from befalling the Journeyers.
After Sek'nos Rath, Tasha Ryo, and Shae Koda completed their Great Journey, which occurred after the arrival of the Force Hound Xesh on Tython and his subsequent banishment to the Bogan moon, Tave provided them with combat training, specifically using staffs. He cautioned them against fixating on Xesh's exile and questioning the judgment of the Je'daii Council. Tave reassured them that the Temple Masters were taking their concerns seriously before dismissing them.
When the Infinite Empire launched an invasion of the Tython system, Tave donned black battle armor and wielded two Forcesabers in a reverse-grip style as he entered the battlefield. Tave, along with Masters Tem Madog and Daegen Lok, participated in the battle of Shikaakwa, where they ambushed the Flesh Raiders who had been dispatched to attack Ryo Fortress. After driving the Empire away from Shikaakwa, the Je'daii pursued Ska Gora and engaged the Rakatan forces in intense combat. However, this turned out to be a trap, as the Rakatan forces ambushed the Je'daii task force. Many Je'daii were captured and imprisoned in tubes within a chamber beneath the Rakatan fortress. Even after the traitor Xesh caused a psychic backlash among the Je'daii seers and unleashed a surge of dark side energy that empowered the Flesh Raiders and weakened the Je'daii, Tave continued to fight. As the Balance shifted towards the dark side, Tave was ordered to retreat to Tython and regrouped with Master Madog as they fled Ska Gora.
Tave, a master of the Force, possessed expertise in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, and other traditional combat techniques. Tave could use the Force to become difficult to detect, essentially disappearing in the Force and concealing his physical presence and Force signature. By drawing upon the dark side of the Force and disrupting the Balance, Tave was able to activate and wield two Forcesabers during the conflict with the Rakata.