The Forcesaber, a Rakatan creation, involved channeling potent dark-side energies via lab-grown ebon crystals to produce radiant energy blades. These blades could be activated in a manner akin to the much later lightsaber.
Daegen Lok's vision, which he experienced while traveling into the Chasm on Tython, revealed a fiery blade unlike any other. This dark premonition depicted the Je'daii Masters exiling him to Bogan, a moon. Lok only learned of the weapon's name, Forcesaber, when the Force Hound Xesh was banished to the same Tythonian moon. He then requested Xesh to construct a Forcesaber, aiming to present it as proof of his vision to the Je'daii Order.
Around 27,700 BBY, the Infinite Empire, controlled by the Rakata species, invaded Korriban, the planet of origin for the Sith. At some point during this conflict, King Adas obtained a Forcesaber with a red blade.
The construction of these weapons was entrusted to Force Hounds, who utilized a specific type of crystal and alchemy to shape it. This process involved crafting a hilt and ensuring sufficient resources were available. Some Forcesabers, like those used by Force Hounds, resembled standard lightsabers, while others, wielded by the Rakata themselves, were similar to lightsaber pikes.
Forcesabers, much like later lightsaber designs, appeared in various colors. Xesh and Daegan Lok both used purple blades, while Trill wielded a light blue one. Lok's vision showcased a dark army wielding red blades, while Kwa Master A'nang's and Xesh's memories showed Rakatan warriors favoring orange. The Flesh Raiders, mutated Rakata, employed yellow blades.
The fundamental principles behind this technology would eventually evolve into the prototype lightsabers utilized by the Jedi Order.
Due to its connection to the dark side, each use of the Forcesaber presented a significant risk of corruption for any Je'daii. During the Rakatan invasion of the Tython system, the Je'daii Order displayed a notable division between those who advocated for the use of the Forcesaber and those who opposed it. The Forcesaber can be seen as a key factor in the divergence between the light and dark sides of the Force.