Sek'nos Rath

Sek'nos Rath, affectionately nicknamed Seki by his female admirers, was a male Sith Je'daii Ranger. During the zenith of the Infinite Empire's power, he faithfully served the Je'daii Order on the world of Tython. A courageous Je'daii, he held a deep fascination with weapons and yearned to emulate the legendary Je'daii of ancient tales. Known for his sociable nature and popularity with women, Rath was committed to maintaining Balance and becoming a legendary warrior. However, during the tumultuous Force Wars, he endured profound betrayals and torturous experiences, ultimately succumbing to the dark side of the Force.


Early Life

Born a Force-sensitive Sith, Sek'nos Rath was born to Je'daii diplomats assigned to the Tython system. His upbringing was primarily overseen by his maternal grandmother, Miarta Sek, and his paternal grandfather, Thok Rath, on the planet Tython, one of the Settled Worlds comprised of nine planets. From his grandmother, he acquired healing techniques, while his grandfather's adventurous past served as a source of inspiration. He advanced to the rank of Je'daii Journeyer, embarking on travels between Tython's nine Great Temples. Driven by a desire to craft the ultimate weapon, Rath dedicated considerable time at Vur Tepe, learning from Tem Madog, the Temple Master of the Forge. Under Master Madog's guidance, Rath forged three Force-imbued blades in pursuit of perfection.

Arrival of a Shadowy Figure

Twelve years following the Despot War, a conflict between the Order and Queen Hadiya of Shikaakwa, Rath dedicated a portion of his Great Journey at Qigong Kesh in the Silent Desert, striving to master the power of Force lightning. While attempting to demonstrate the unprecedented ability to create a ball of lightning for three admiring Je'daii women, Rath experienced a potent vision through the Force. Concurrently, a mysterious individual named Xesh, a Force Hound serving the Infinite Empire, crash-landed the Rakatan ship, known as the Devourer, near the Rift on Tython. The resulting surge of deaths alerted all Je'daii to the presence of a foreign entity on the planet, triggering a Force storm that swept across Tython.

Distracted by the vision of Xesh, the lightning Rath generated rebounded towards him, drawing the attention of his grandparents. After dismissing the women, the elder Je'daii cautioned Rath against using abilities fueled by dark emotions, fearing it would disrupt his balance. Determined to find the man from his vision, Rath rode his mount to the Rift on the continent of Talss, where he encountered fellow Journeyers Shae Koda and Tasha Ryo, both of whom had shared similar visions. Observing an alien ship crash into the Rift, the trio investigated the wreckage and discovered an escape pod carrying the stranger, Xesh.

Sek'nos Rath, Tasha Ryo and Shae Koda, moments before encountering the Force Hound Xesh.

Drawing their swords, the Je'daii were surprised when Xesh's weapon effortlessly sliced through their steel blades. Despite losing their weapons, the three Je'daii used their mastery of the Force to outmaneuver Xesh, and Koda managed to seize the Forcesaber from him. Disarmed and exhausted, the Je'daii pushed Xesh further into the Rift, towards the perilous Abyss of Ruh. While pursuing the Force Hound, the three Je'daii experienced hallucinations induced by the dark energies within the Abyss. After Rath calmed his companions, the trio located Xesh as he fought a saarl. Rath hurled a boulder at the creature's head, provoking it further; the group was forced to retreat deeper into the cave. Making a final stand, Rath and his allies attempted to fend off the beast but could not activate the Forcesaber Koda had taken from Xesh. At Rath's urging, Koda gave the saber back to Xesh, hoping he would use it to kill the saarl. However, Xesh took the weapon and abandoned the Je'daii to their fate. Unbeknownst to the journeyers, Xesh observed their struggle, expecting them to betray each other to the saarl. To his surprise, none of them did. Xesh then unexpectedly aided Shae against the saarl, ultimately killing it. Rath was knocked unconscious while protecting Tasha from the saarl, but later recovered at Mahara Kesh. He and Koda were present when Ryo examined some of Xesh's memories, and when the Temple Masters decided to exile Xesh to Bogan, Rath and the other Journeyers protested, arguing that Xesh should remain on Tython to learn balance. However, the masters rejected their objections and sent Xesh to Bogan.

The Pursuit of Xesh and Daegen Lok

Subsequently, the trio of Je'daii Journeyers engaged in sparring sessions under Master Tave's guidance at Stav Kesh to divert their attention from Xesh and their discontent with the Council's decision to exile him. Tave gently scolded them for dwelling on the dark emotions of doubt and anger, reminding them that the Council had made a decision based on the available information and that they should trust the Masters' judgment. Summoned by Master Tem Madog to report on the Forcesaber at Vur Tepe, Rath joined Journeyer Koda and Rangers Hawk Ryo and Rori Fenn in discussing the weapon's attributes. Comforting Koda as she reflected on the dark side energies required to power the weapon, Rath reminded her that her parents had sacrificed their lives for Tython's safety and future, urging her to find solace in their heroic act.

Upon receiving reports from Bogan that Xesh and Daegen Lok, a Je'daii Master previously exiled to Bogan, had escaped, Rath and Koda were assigned to the mission by Temple Master Ketu due to their prior involvement with Xesh. Joining a strike team led by Temple Master Jake Fenn, the group traveled to Bogan to investigate the empty cells that had housed the two escapees and search for clues. While Koda worked with Rori Fenn and Hawk Ryo, Rath accompanied Temple Master Fenn and Ranger Bel Zana in examining the cells. Ambushed by a pack of terenta, the Je'daii successfully fought them off without any casualties. After reviewing the limited belongings left behind in the cell, the group concluded that Xesh and Lok intended to create Forcesabers for themselves, suggesting they would likely seek out crystals at Krev Coeur.

Vek'nos Rath once again exchanging blows with Xesh.

On Krev Coeur, Lok and Xesh acquired the crystals from a Koorivar dealer named Slug. When Lok attempted to kill Slug to prevent him from informing the Je'daii, Ranger Zana intervened and saved the Koorivar's life; however, she soon fell victim to Lok's mind twist, which made her believe she was on fire. Rath and Fenn rushed to her aid and engaged the two fugitives, with Fenn confronting Lok and Rath battling Xesh. Xesh told Rath that because he and his friends had vouched for him to the Je'daii, he was willing to spare his life if he let them go; however, Rath refused and they fought fiercely. During the fight, Lok used the Force to telekinetically push Zana off a nearby cliff, forcing Rath to disengage Xesh to save her. Holding onto the cliff edge, Rath tried to help Zana up, but he failed and fell, though he used the Force to push Zana to safety.

An Encounter with Another Force Hound

Presumed dead by his comrades, Rath was rescued by a passing ship. After using the Force to secure his passage, Rath lost consciousness and awoke under the care of a mysterious woman named Trill. Trill, secretly a Force Hound tasked with locating Tython for her master, Predor Skal'nas, concealed her Forcefulness and true identity, claiming to be a fortune hunter who had saved his life. When Trill mentioned borrowing the ship from other criminals, Rath, identifying himself as a Je'daii, expressed his determination to inform his friends of his survival. Once they were clear of Krev Coeur's crystal interference, Rath contacted Hawk Ryo on Nox and arranged to meet him and the other Je'daii on Shikaakwa. Assured that Zana and Fenn had safely reached Kalimahr, Ryo informed Rath that Xesh had abducted Shae Koda, and his assistance was needed for her rescue.

Sek'nos and Trill facing a dianoga.

Rath and Trill traveled to Shikaakwa, where they needed to infiltrate the Ryo Fortress. While crossing the moat, they encountered a dianoga that threatened to capsize their boat and drown them. Rath ordered Trill to take cover, but Trill shot the dianoga in the eye, killing it and demonstrating her combat skills. Meeting with Rori Fenn and Hawk Ryo outside an entrance to the fortress's sewer system, Rath was frustrated that the senior Je'daii refused to enter through the main entrance and request an audience with the Baron. Resigned to the sewers, they successfully avoided any traps and arrived in Baron Volnos Ryo's audience chamber, just as an altercation broke out between the Baron and Lok and Xesh. Drawing their blades, Hawk Ryo and Rath rushed to apprehend the two fugitives but were met with debris hurled at them. Using the debris as a ramp, Lok and Xesh escaped onto the fortress roof, dragging a captured Shae Koda, who was subdued by Lok's mind trick. Hiding on the roof, Xesh hoped to lure Rath to him, relying on their Force bond. When Rath arrived, he demanded that Xesh surrender and release Koda or he would not guarantee the Force Hound's survival. Xesh refused but stated that he did not wish to kill either of them. Rath attacked Xesh with a Force punch and demanded to know what Xesh had done to Koda's mind. When Xesh revealed that Lok was responsible, Rath demanded to know why Xesh had allied himself with the exile. As the duel intensified, Rath implied that Xesh was merely a pawn of Daegen Lok, to which the Force Hound responded with a burst of Force lightning. Rendered unconscious, Rath was found by Trill, who managed to avoid recognition by the amnesic Xesh and allowed him to escape. Regaining consciousness after the battle, Rath reunited with Shae Koda and assisted in transferring the subdued Lok and Xesh aboard Trill's ship.

Transformation into a Formidable Warrior

Trill and Sek'nos, during the battle of Shikaakwa.

Upon their arrival on Tython, Lok was returned to Bogan. At the Masters' urging, Xesh agreed to join the Je'daii Order and teach them how to construct Forcesabers, a process in which Rath participated with Tem Madog at Vur Tepe. However, Trill had secretly informed her masters about Tython, describing the Je'daii as easily deceived, paving the way for Skal'nas and the Rakata to attack the Settled Worlds. During the invasion of the Tython system by the Rakata, Rath and Trill remained friends and fought alongside each other, with Rath being promoted to the rank of Ranger. A year into the war, Rath wielded a Forcesaber during the battle of Shikaakwa and was protective of Trill on the battlefield. While fighting Flesh Raiders with Master Tem Madog and Xesh, Rath grew frustrated with the war and the imbalance the Forcesabers brought to the Force. Because they were fueled by the dark side, Rath believed the war was inferior to the great battles of the past, where Je'daii relied on the Balance. Despite arguing with Shae Koda about this, he was easily distracted by Trill, who sought to keep him complacent and in her favor through pleasures in the hot springs after the battle.

When the attack on Ska Gora proved to be a trap, Daegen Lok placed Rath in command of his unit before being captured by Flesh Raiders. Shortly after, Rath was overpowered and captured, dragged away by the Raiders. Taken to the Rakata's slave ships, Rath was suspended upside down in a cell that slowly drained his Force energies. Constantly kept in distress, Rath and the other prisoners were being fed upon by the Rakata, who used their fear and anguish for nourishment. Deep within the slave units at Rakatan Base Prime on Ska Gora, Rath was kept alive and in pain, sensing Xesh's immersion in the dark side and realizing he was a tool of the Infinite Empire. Using his rage at the betrayal, Rath vowed to escape and kill the traitor. Enduring constant torture, the slave units were eventually visited by Trill, who unleashed her hatred in the form of Force lightning to further torment the prisoners. Unseen by his former ally, Rath sensed Trill and seethed with hatred over her betrayal. After Trill left, Rath unleashed his rage, shattering his prison and attacking the guards with the Force. Leading the freed slaves in a revolt, the untrained Force-sensitives relied on their hatred of their captors to compensate for their lack of skill.

Trill confronting Sek'nos

Fighting his way to Tython, Rath used the Force to follow Xesh into the Chasm below Anil Kesh, where he planned to open the Prime Gate. Fighting past Flesh Raiders, he found Daegen Lok in the Chasm and agreed to fight alongside him to attack Xesh. When Lok left Rath behind to fly with Shae Koda on her rancor-dragon to hunt for Xesh, Rath was attacked by more Flesh Raiders. Joined by Master Quan-Jang, who was relieved that Rath was alive, the Temple Master wanted to inform the other Je'daii about the Infinity Gate, but the pair were attacked by Trill. Giving himself to the dark side, Rath attacked his former lover with fury. Wrapped in Force lightning, the pair fought while Trill mocked him as a slave. Unwilling to let her go, Rath throttled her with an electrified fist, rendering her unconscious. Despite Master Quan-Jang's pleas, Rath threw Trill over his shoulder and marched off into the darkness.

Personality and traits

Sek'nos Rath

Arrogant and desiring fame, Sek'nos Rath grew up hearing stories of great Je'daii warriors and sought to join their ranks. Seeking crowd-pleasing feats in the Force, Rath enjoyed performing stunts for an audience and yearned for a great war to define himself. When the Force Wars erupted, Rath was furious that the Forcesaber was drawing the Force out of Balance and believed it would never match the glory of the old wars where great heroes were defined by their keeping of the Balance.

After being imprisoned by the Rakata and betrayed by Xesh and Trill, Rath gave himself to the dark side and was consumed by its power. When he confronted Trill, Rath's eyes glowed yellow as he gave up on Balance and attacked her with the full power of darkness.

Powers and abilities

Sek'nos Rath's Force potential

Sek'nos Rath possessed exceptional talent in the Force. He was proficient with Force lightning, attempting to develop it by creating a new style, balls of lightning, which he could throw at opponents with devastating effects. He was one of the four known Force-sensitives who received a vision of Xesh's arrival on Tython and was capable of beast control. When dueling Xesh, he created lightning balls, sending them onto his opponent though Xesh absorbed and returned it to Sek'nos who jumped out of the way.

