Rori Fenn

A female Human Je'daii Ranger, Rori Fenn, served the Je'daii Order on Tython during the peak of the Infinite Empire's power.


Early life

Being a Force-sensitive Human, Rori Fenn received training in the Force from the Je'daii Order alongside her brother, Jake Fenn, on the planet Tython. Tython was one of the nine planets that comprised the Settled Worlds within the Tython system. While a Journeyer, Fenn was romantically involved with a fellow Journeyer, Hawk Ryo; however, their relationship ended when they both achieved the rank of Je'daii Ranger. As a follower of the Balance philosophy that guided the Je'daii, Fenn struggled to maintain her equilibrium, often leaning towards the light side of the Force throughout her career. Recognizing this imbalance, the Je'daii Council exiled Fenn to Ashla, a moon, where she was instructed to meditate on the dark side and regain the Balanced center that defined a true Je'daii. After a period of time, Fenn was allowed to leave Ashla and resume her active duties with the Order. As a Ranger, Fenn carried a single Force-imbued blade and wore blue armor to protect herself from Tython's hostile wilderness.

The Force Storm

In the year 25,793 BBY, a Force Hound of the Infinite Empire, known as a Xesh, crash-landed the Rakatan ship named Devourer close to the Rift on Tython. The sudden surge of deaths from the crash alerted the Je'daii to the presence of an alien entity on their world, simultaneously triggering a Force storm that swept across the entire planet. Fenn was at the Temple of Balance, Akar Kesh, where she sought guidance from Temple Master Ketu concerning the unusual events unfolding across the planet. Master Ketu dispatched Fenn, along with fellow Ranger Hawk Ryo and Temple Master Quan-Jang, in Hunter-class starfighters to the crash site in search of survivors. Despite a brief skirmish with a pair of saarl, the Je'daii successfully reached the site and transmitted a video feed back to Temple Master Kora Ryo at the Temple of Knowledge, Kaleth.

After discovering the broken hilts of three Je'daii Journeyers' swords, Fenn and Ryo rode together on a bipedal mount and ventured deep into the Rift to locate the missing Je'daii, while Master Quan-Jang surveyed the area on the back of a mutated rancor-dragon called Butch. As the storm intensified, the three Je'daii were compelled to enter the treacherous Abyss of Ruh on foot, hoping to rescue the Je'daii Journeyers before it was too late. After hours of tracking, the trio eventually located Journeyers Shae Koda, Tasha Ryo, and Sek'nos Rath engaged in combat with a saarl, and the Force Hound Xesh at the center of the Force Storm. Fenn and Ryo joined the battle, allowing Quan-Jang to release the tension in the Force above. Following the saarl's destruction, Fenn confronted Xesh directly, demanding his surrender so they could help him find Balance and end the conflict. Although Xesh refused to be taken prisoner, he was overwhelmed by a surge of light side energy directed at him by Quan-Jang, which allowed the Je'daii to apprehend the stranger and dissipate the Storm. Fenn, along with Ryo, escorted Xesh from Tython to the moon of Bogan, where he was to be imprisoned in forced meditative reflection on the light side of the Force, while his injuries were treated at Mahara Kesh.

The coming dark

In the months following Xesh's arrival in the Tython system, the Je'daii struggled to comprehend the ramifications of the mysterious being's presence. Fenn accompanied Master Tem Madog to Vur Tepe, where the Forge Master was attempting to unlock the secrets of the Forcesaber. When Hawk Ryo managed to ignite the blade by solely drawing on the dark side of the Force, Fenn cautioned against prolonged exposure to the dark side due to its corrupting influence. Although Ryo listened to her concerns, he dismissed the inhibiting effects of relying too heavily on the light side and continued his studies with the weapon. Shortly thereafter, the Je'daii received news that Xesh had escaped from his cell on Bogan, and Fenn joined Ryo and Shae Koda in investigating the disturbance on the moon. While her brother Jake Fenn, Sek'nos Rath, and the tracker Bel Zana examined Xesh's cell, Fenn, Ryo, and Koda discovered the wreckage of a downed Pho-V fighter in Daegen Lok's hidden cave. As Ryo recalled a vision of a dark army he had shared with Lok years prior, the Twi'lek Ranger lost control and grabbed Fenn by the throat in a fit of rage.

After recovering from the attack with Koda's help, Fenn pressed Ryo for information about the vision from years ago. Ryo believed that Lok's fixation on a sword of fire would lead him to ally with Xesh to create a new Forcesaber. Reasoning that the fugitives would seek resources on Krev Coeur and Nox, the trio set off for Nox, while the other Je'daii team headed to the crystal world of Krev Coeur. On Nox, the trio infiltrated Boneyard City, fighting a mutant slashrat as they entered the ruins. After tracking Xesh and Lok to Skrag's Cantina, Fenn pursued Lok through the city as he fled an ambush by Ranger Ryo. Despite losing track of Lok, Ryo confronted an illusion of the exiled Je'daii and concluded that he was heading for the spaceport. Having lost contact with Shae Koda, Ryo and Fenn suspected that their quarry had abducted her and sought refuge on Shikaakwa.

After meeting up with Sek'nos Rath and his new ally Trill in the sewers beneath Ryo Fortress on Shikaakwa, Fenn and Ryo entered the massive palace and confronted crime lord Volnos Ryo, who had sheltered Xesh and Lok. As Lok collapsed the ceiling to cover his escape, Fenn and Rath pursued the fleeing Xesh and his prisoner, Shae Koda. Fenn encountered Lok on the rooftop of the Fortress, where she was soundly defeated when Lok's Forcesaber cut through her sword.

The Force War

When the Infinite Empire invaded the Tython system, Fenn joined the Je'daii forces, flying alongside Hawk Ryo in defense of the Settled Worlds. Following the Je'daii victory at the Battle of Shikaakwa, Fenn gathered with the other Je'daii as General Daegen Lok called for celebration. After the gathering dispersed, Fenn commented to Ryo that Lok's enthusiasm for war was uncharacteristic of a Je'daii.

During the Second battle of Tython, Fenn and Ryo flew together, engaging the Rakata fleet above Anil Kesh. At the height of the intense battle, Fenn and Ryo were flying around the Tho Yor which hovered over Anil Kesh Temple as it began to glow and fire rays of golden light at the Rakata fleet.

