Butch, a female rancor-dragon, was the result of alchemic processes conducted at Anil Kesh by Shae Koda in conjunction with Quan-Jang.
Master Quan-Jang, along with his apprentice, Je'daii Journeyer Shae Koda, brought Butch into existence through alchemy performed at Anil Kesh. Upon taking the rancor-dragon from the Anil Kesh laboratory, Butch became unruly and almost pulled Shae Koda into the perilous Chasm. The Force Storm, raging around Tython and impacting all living beings, explained the creature's behavior. Ultimately, Quan-Jang was compelled to step in and use the animal bond technique to subdue the rancor.
Later, Shae Koda rode Butch towards the Rift in an attempt to locate a place from a vision she experienced. She was quickly accompanied by two fellow Journeyers, Sek'nos Rath and Tasha Ryo, who shared the same vision. They observed the crash of an alien vessel and, upon inspecting the crash site, discovered an escape pod containing a lone survivor: Xesh, a Force Hound serving the Infinite Empire. Xesh launched an attack on the Je'daii, and during the conflict, he threw Butch off a cliff and into a pool of acid, provoking Koda's fury. Subsequently, he fled deeper into the Abyss, prompting the Journeyers to pursue him. Quan-Jang, accompanied by two Je'daii Rangers, Rori Fenn and Hawk Ryo, arrived later to investigate the crash. They discovered the escape pod and the broken weapons of the Journeyers, only to be ambushed by the injured and enraged Butch, who charged out of the forest. However, Quan-Jang successfully calmed her down, tending to her wounds and acid burns. Following this, he flew on her back in search of the Journeyers and the alien stranger. The intensifying Force Storm drained the rancor, forcing Quan-Jang to leave Butch to rest and continue his search on foot.
A year passed, and when the Infinite Empire invaded the Tython system, Shae Koda participated in numerous battles while mounted on her rancor-dragon. During the final battle, the Rakata leader, Skal'nas, along with Xesh and the captured Daegen Lok, descended into the depths of the Chasm to locate the Prime Gate. Shae Koda, riding Butch, followed them.
During the confrontation at the Infinity Gate, Force lightnings drove Butch away. Daegen Lok engaged Skal'nas in combat but sustained severe injuries. Shae Koda fought Xesh and successfully convinced him to return to the Light. He then turned against Skal'nas, killing him. Lok attempted to persuade Koda to escape with Xesh using his jetpack, urging her to leave him behind because the jetpack lacked the power to carry all three. At that moment, Butch returned to Shae Koda, enabling all of them to escape the Chasm aboard the rancor-dragon.