Hook hawk

Hook hawks, a carnivorous bird species, were indigenous to Tython's Stark Forests in the era preceding the Old Republic. These avian predators hunted in groups, employing captivating vocalizations to lure their targets into a sleep-like state before killing and consuming them. They existed in the time before the republic.

Biology and appearance

The name "hook hawk" accurately describes these raptors, as they possessed noticeably hooked beaks designed for eye-gouging, much like their gleaming, sharp talons. Their dark eyes conveyed intelligence, and crucially for their hunting strategy, their vocal organs could generate soothing, hypnotic melodies.


Hook hawks operated as pack hunters, initiating their attacks with a harmonious, symphonic melody while circling their prey, their wings beating with a gentle cadence. Prolonged exposure to this enchanting song could trigger extreme drowsiness in their targets. Once the prey was weakened, the hook hawks would descend, utilizing their sharp beaks and talons to target the eyes and throat.


Due to the potential threat hook hawks posed to young Je'daii Journeyers, defense strategies against them were incorporated into their training. It was instructed that water splashes could silence their hypnotic music.

During Lanoree Brock's and her brother Dalien's Great Journey as adolescents, hook hawks represented the initial peril they faced. While Dalien quickly succumbed to the hypnotic effect, Lanoree repelled the raptors with a Force punch.

