Zerist, a satellite known as a moon, revolved around the planet called Obri.
Far removed from the radiance of Tythos, this shadowy world was lit by Obri's reflected glow. Habitats on the active moon were mainly located near the base of the mountains, where the settlers directed volcanic heat to warm their dwellings. The ever-changing environment led to the development of governmental structures to oversee evacuations from areas at risk of volcanic activity and to forecast these natural disasters.
Below the surface existed extensive subterranean oceans, lit up by glowing minerals within expansive caverns. The most affluent inhabitants of Zerist built their residences on islands within these temperate underground depths, where numerous mining operations located their main offices and executive suites.
In the year before the Infinite Empire's invasion of the Tython system, Je'daii Rangers Hawk Ryo and Lanoree Brock assisted in arranging a marital union between Brom Santis and Oma Dessain, with the aim of ceasing the hostilities between the two rich mining clans.