Bodhi, also known as the Temple of the Arts, was one of the nine temples belonging to the Je'daii Order. It was situated on the southern coast of Masara, a continent found on the lush world of Tython. This two-story building acted as the Order's academy for artistic pursuits, where students received training in disciplines like writing, calligraphy, dance, drawing, sculpture, cooking, music, and theater.
When the philosophers and scholars from across the galaxy initially arrived on Tython, they were transported from the stars aboard enormous pyramidal structures referred to as the Tho Yor. These nine colossal vessels dispersed across the planet, each landing in a different location, and released their passengers to populate the world. The Tho Yor themselves would then become the very foundation for these travelers' new homes and centers of learning.
One such Tho Yor made its descent in one of Tython's verdant plains, not far from a temperate forest and the southern coast of the continent of Masara. The philosophers, who identified themselves as members of the Je'daii Order, interred the Tho Yor and constructed a temple on its surface that was low to the ground. Composed of four identical buildings constructed from tan stone and featuring red roofs, the structures encircled an open courtyard containing a large circular pool of water at its center. The Temple of the Arts at Bodhi was dedicated to teaching its students, both young and old, how to comprehend the manifestations of the Force through artistic expression. The Je'daii Temple Master, the Je'daii who functioned as the facility's steward and supervised its operations, provided instruction in areas such as writing, dance, and sculpture, among numerous other artistic pursuits. In 25,793 BBY, Master Jake Fenn held the position of the Temple's overseer. The Je'daii gathered a multitude of artifacts from the Kwa, Gree and Rakatan from across Tython and housed them within the Tho Yor at Bodhi, which was buried beneath Bodhi.