Lanoree Brock's father

Lanoree Brock's father was a male Human of the Legends continuity and also a Je'daii Master. He served as an instructor at Bodhi, the Temple dedicated to the Arts, for the Je'daii Order located on Tython. This all occurred during the peak of the Infinite Empire's dominance.


Having received training as a Je'daii Order member, Brock encountered his future wife while they were both Journeyers. They were traversing the planet Tython as part of their Great Journey. The two young Je'daii found themselves drawn to the Bodhi Temple, where the Force revealed their inherent artistic abilities. Brock, a gifted sculptor of renown across the Masara continent, also possessed skill in preparing rumbat stew. Some years after their Journey concluded, Brock and his wife became the parents of Lanoree and Dalien Brock. The family resided in the Je'daii community surrounding the Temple of Arts, where Brock taught at Bodhi. He entertained his students and fellow instructors with his talent for magic tricks. One of his students, Master Xiang, later became a colleague under his mentorship. As his children grew up, he would share tales and legends from Je'daii history with them, including the cautionary story of Osamael Or and his ill-fated expedition into the Old City.

During the war fought between Tython and Despot Queen Hadiya along with her army, Brock spent a portion of his service on the planet Nox, where the conflict was particularly intense. After the war, and after the presumed death of his son, Brock's contact with his daughter became infrequent. By the time of Dalien's return during the Stargazer Uprising, she had become a Je'daii Ranger.

Personality and traits

Brock typically wore his hair long, often tied back, but would let it hang freely over his shoulders when at home. Brock held the belief that his son's naturally curious character indicated that he would develop into a capable Je'daii; he was always confident that Dalien would discover his own path. When spending time with his children, Brock frequently took them to the Edge Forest, where his inherent love of exploration would inspire a yearning to venture into its vastness.

