Despot Army

The military organization referred to as the Despot Army pledged allegiance to Hadiya, who held the title of Kral in Shikaakwan. This army, drawing in both conscripted individuals and volunteers from various Settled Worlds within the Tython system, was driven by a potent combination of fear and animosity directed towards the Je'daii Order situated on Tython.


After Kral Hadiya successfully unified the Nine Houses of her native planet, Shikaakwa, she initiated preparations for a large-scale assault on Tython and the Je'daii Order residing there. By expanding her military with volunteers sourced from across the Settled Worlds, Hadiya gained the moniker of the Despot Queen. She equipped her devoted troops with weapons manufactured on Nox. The Despot Army, possessing a numerical advantage over the Je'daii, launched an offensive against Tython, an event that would become known as the Despot War. Despite their inability to effectively defend against the Force, the soldiers, motivated by their intense fear and hatred of the Je'daii, engaged in fierce and brutal combat.

Within Hadiya's inner circle were several generals who had demonstrated unwavering loyalty to her and her cause well before the outbreak of the war. These included Bakko, a Twi'lek who served as her chief advisor; Ka'un Damm, an Iktotchi; Fists Shri-Lan and Gav Vannar; and Daegen Lok, a Je'daii who had betrayed his order. Lok quickly became the Queen's most trusted general and lover, but in secret he was an assassin waiting for his opportunity. As the Despot Army mounted its greatest strike against the Order at Kaleth, Lok assassinated Hadiya in her private chambers. This act caused the army to dissolve into infighting and disputes over succession, resulting in millions of deaths. The survivors were removed from Tython and, if possible, returned to their home worlds. However, many faced banishment from their homeworlds as planetary governments condemned Hadiya's aggressive war. Even a decade after the conflict, a significant level of distrust towards the Je'daii remained widespread.

