Ruhr, a Je'daii Temple Master of the Wookiee species, was a member of the Je'daii Order on Tython during the peak of the Infinite Empire's power.
Ruhr, a Wookiee possessing Force-sensitive abilities, underwent training in the Force under the tutelage of the Je'daii Order located on the world of Tython. Tython was one of the nine planets that comprised the Tython system, which collectively were known as the Settled Worlds. He was elevated to the position of Je'daii Temple Master, a rank reserved for the Order's most esteemed individuals. As such, Ruhr presided over the Great Temple of the Je'daii Academy, Padawan Kesh. Ruhr, together with the other Temple Masters, constituted the Masters' Council, which convened through holocommunication at the Temple of Balance, Akar Kesh.