During the initial period of the conflict that took place between the Jedi Order and the indigenous Flesh Raiders of the planet Tython, a force of Flesh Raiders, led by the Dark Jedi named Callef, managed to get into the Tythonian Gnarls region by using a cliff tunnel. In 3643 BBY, they assaulted the Jedi outpost located there.
In contrast to prior incursions, the native forces were larger and displayed a higher degree of coordination. However, the Jedi Knights and Masters assigned to the outpost, under the command of Warden Derrin Weller, were able to completely defeat the Flesh Raider's offensive. They sustained only a few losses. During the confrontation, a young Jedi, dispatched by Weller to secure the tunnel used by the attackers, succeeded in subduing Callef. Subsequently, Orgus Din, a Jedi Master, used the Force to cause the tunnel to collapse. Following the attack, the same young apprentice was later dispatched to Kalikori, a nearby Twi'lek settlement, with the aim of gathering information from the settlers regarding the recent activities of the native population.
The initial appearance of the Gnarls Outpost attack occurred in the 2011 BioWare massively multiplayer online role-playing video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. It served as the introductory event for the Jedi Knight class, specifically within the mission titled "Attack of the Flesh Raiders."