Nadien, a male Human, held the position of Secretary within the Corellian Council during the era of the Galactic War.
During the Cold War and the subsequent renewed conflict, as the Sith Empire's invasion of the planet Corellia was meticulously orchestrated over several years, Nadien was contacted by the First Son of the Sith Emperor. This individual, revealing himself to be Syo Bakarn, a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council, persuaded Nadien and the Council to align with the Empire.
In 3640 BBY, the Barsen'thor confronted Nadien, along with Councilors Saiak and Delquis. When the Barsen'thor demanded the First Son's whereabouts, Nadien attempted to provide an explanation. However, Saiak, who was exposed as a Child of the Emperor, murdered Delquis, which terrified Nadien. Following Barsen'thor's elimination of Saiak, Nadien worried that he might also be a Child, but he maintained some optimism when he disclosed the First Son's location.