Vaz Traniff

Vaz Traniff, a male Cathar scoundrel, existed in the era of the Galactic War that pitted the Sith Empire against the Galactic Republic. As the war began, Darmas Pollaran orchestrated a partnership between Traniff, his associate Combo, and a smuggler. Their objective: to raid the Imperial treasury ship known as the King's Ransom.


During 3642 BBY, amidst the Galactic War, Traniff joined forces with the smuggler who would become the renowned Voidhound, famed for discovering Nok Drayen's hidden riches. Their target was the Imperial treasury starship, the King's Ransom. However, their plan necessitated the rescue of Traniff's expert vault cracker, Combo. Combo was being held captive by the Hutts on Nar Shaddaa and was on the verge of being sold to Rogun the Butcher. Traniff's arrival occurred after the Voidhound disrupted the transaction between Strilth, representing Rogun, and the Hutt, Raskurro. Traniff proposed eliminating everyone present, including Raskurro, to incite conflict between the Hutt Cartel and Rogun. The Voidhound, however, declined. Raskurro was allowed to leave after Rogun's men were killed.

With Combo freed, Traniff and Combo concealed themselves within a cargo container as the Voidhound piloted a stolen Imperial shuttle towards the King's Ransom. Just as they commenced their raid on the vaults, the Voidwolf launched an assault on the ship, reacting to the Voidhound's presence. The smuggler barely escaped the treasury ship's destruction. Upon returning to the Smuggler's Moon, Traniff voiced his bewilderment as to why the Voidwolf would attack his own allies. Subsequently, he and the Voidhound divided their stolen goods equally.

