Clan Lone existed as a Mandalorian clan during the Great Galactic War and the Cold War period, which occurred time between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Around the time of the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, Zadik Lone, a member of the clan, developed a romantic relationship with Akaavi Spar, another Mandalorian. Spar chose to leave her own clan and join Lone among his people. However, tragedy struck when the Sith Empire betrayed and executed Spar's clan. Following Mandalorian tradition, Spar implored Clan Lone to come to her clan's aid, but they refused to act against the Empire. Consequently, Spar severed her relationship with Zadik and Clan Lone, departing to seek vengeance on those responsible for her family's demise. Due to their refusal to answer Spar's plea, Clan Lone suffered dishonor, and many members aligned themselves with the false clan led by Tayari Rook, the very individual who orchestrated Clan Spar's downfall. Akaavi Spar located Rook and his followers operating in a camp on the planet of Nal Hutta, where she launched an attack, killing all who chose to fight rather than flee.
The initial introduction of Clan Lone into Star Wars canon occurred in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online game. This game was developed by BioWare and made available on December 20, 2011.