Languss Tuno

Languss "Guss" Tuno was a male Mon Calamari smuggler, identified as such within the legends continuity. He operated during the Cold War, a period of tension between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire.


Born on the planet of Varn, Languss Tuno, a Force-sensitive Mon Calamari, underwent training in the Force by the Jedi Order. He served as a Padawan under the guidance of Jedi Master Lorenn. Ultimately unable to follow the Jedi Path, Tuno departed from the Order and sought his fortune on Nar Shaddaa, working for crime lord Neemogh Hargin. He adopted the persona of Lord Struction, a menacing Sith clad in a heavy black robe, to intimidate Hargin's clients and rivals, earning substantial credits. However, his scheme unraveled when he attempted the same tactic against members of the Exchange. Following the disastrous confrontation and Hargin's disappearance, Tuno fled for his life.

Abandoning the Sith charade, Tuno reinvented himself as Jedi Master Wanderfar. Using his limited Jedi knowledge, he conned individuals into paying for services like glimpsing the future in exchange for donations to the Order. The scam thrived until the Jedi Order investigated rumors of a peculiar mystic and shut down his operation.

Later, Tuno found employment with the White Maw on Hoth and was tasked with infiltrating Aurek Base to steal a crate of sensors that the pirate gang had failed to acquire. Coincidentally, the smuggler later known as the Voidhound arrived on Hoth on behalf of Senator Bevera Dodonna to steal a cloaking device from the White Maw. Tuno impersonated a Jedi Master, stepping into the role of the late Major Panin, the Voidhound's contact, who had perished in the Imperial assault on Aurek Base. Intent on completing his mission and aiding the Voidhound, Tuno manipulated the smuggler into stealing the sensor shipment to gain favor with the White Maw. However, the Voidhound eventually confronted Tuno about his deception. Tuno confessed everything but expressed his willingness to assist the smuggler and arranged a meeting with his contact, Shai Tenna. The Voidhound sought to win Tenna's favor and acceptance into the White Maw by disrupting a deal between a treacherous White Maw lieutenant and his Imperial contacts.

After the Voidhound was betrayed by Tenna, who revealed himself to be an agent of Rogun the Butcher, Tuno met with the smuggler in a wampa cave. Tuno informed the smuggler that Tenna had initiated a coup against the White Maw's Gen'Dai leaders. The Voidhound then revealed the true nature of their mission, and Tuno agreed to help. He arranged a rendezvous with the smuggler at the White Maw base, where the latter infiltrated the facility through its back entrance, battling through its automated defenses. Upon the Voidhound's arrival, Tuno was held captive by Rogun's men, who intended to execute him, claiming he had outlived his usefulness. After eliminating the Weequays, Tuno warned the smuggler about the adjourning chamber containing Gand bounty hunters working for Rogun, as well as poisonous gas that only Gand could breathe. Once the Gand were defeated, Tuno confessed that he was working for Rogun and was tasked with killing the Voidhound. However, witnessing the smuggler's skills, he changed his mind and realized that Rogun could be defeated. He then collaborated with the smuggler to acquire the cloaking device in the White Maw's main base within the wreckage of the Star of Coruscant.

Tuno subsequently joined the crew of the Voidhound's XS stock light freighter, contributing to the downfall of the Voidwolf. Later, Tuno confided in the Voidhound about his desire to return to the Jedi Order, but ultimately decided to remain with the smuggler.

Following the Voidhound's disappearance, Tuno was accepted as a Padawan by a Force-sensitive individual named Isaac to learn the ways of the Force. However, Isaac instead used Guss as his errand boy, instructing him on how to use the Force to obtain discounts on his drinks, such as Tarisian ale.

At some point, Guss resurrected his fake Jedi persona to hire the Jawa salvager Blizz to retrieve a mysterious box from Hoth. Blizz succeeded with the assistance of the Commander of the Anti-Zakuul Alliance, although the Commander remained skeptical of his act.

The Voss Mystic Sana-Rae later experienced a vision of a Force-sensitive individual matching Guss's description and shared it with the Alliance Commander. Recognizing the description of his employer, Blizz brought the Commander to Nar Shaddaa to meet Guss. After discussing the vision, Guss introduced the Commander to Isaac, who proposed a wager: if the Commander could teach Guss to perform a mind trick to obtain Tarisian ale for Isaac and an Urchin roll for Guss, Isaac would owe them a favor; otherwise, the Outlander would owe Isaac a favor. The Commander then accompanied Guss to help him complete the trial. After several attempts at various shops, they met with Blizz and then with Isaac in the Promenade cantina. Eventually, Isaac allowed Guss to join the Alliance.

Personality and traits

Preferring leisure over labor, Tuno was ill-suited for the Jedi Order's discipline, yearning for a comfortable retirement where he could indulge in physical pleasures rather than the moral strength demanded by the Jedi. Often speaking impulsively, Tuno frequently extricated himself from difficult situations by talking down his adversaries or threatening them with his limited Jedi knowledge. Having pilfered a lightsaber from his former master, Tuno wielded it to deter potential threats until he could escape to safety.

Despite his knack for separating smugglers and businessmen from their credits, Guss possessed a generally kind heart and avoided unnecessary bloodshed.

While Tuno lacked the discipline required of a Jedi, his encounters with various Sith alongside the Voidhound sparked an epiphany within him. He understood why the Jedi had so many rules about controlling their emotions after witnessing firsthand the corrupting influence of the dark side of the Force. He once confessed to the Voidhound, "I'd rather spend the rest of my life meditating on a cold rock than turn into that."

During his time with the Voidhound, Tuno favored trickery and cunning over brute force in combat. He also possessed rudimentary medical skills, tending to the Voidhound's wounds even during battle. His preferred weapons were a standard blaster pistol and various tech gadgets to disorient his enemies before shooting them down.

Following the conquest of the Core Worlds by the Eternal Empire of Zakuul, Tuno rededicated himself to Force training. Under the unconventional tutelage of his new master, Isaac, Tuno gained a deeper understanding of Force abilities, such as shields and healing techniques. He even constructed his own lightsaber, demonstrating relative skill in combat.

Behind the scenes

Originally a companion character for the Smuggler class in Star Wars: The Old Republic, Languss "Guss" Tuno later became accessible to all classes in the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. He can be optionally recruited during the Alliance Alert, "Shining in the Darkness," which becomes available after completing the preceding Alert, "Little Boss," where the player recruits Blizz, a companion character originally for the Bounty Hunter class. Previously, Guss made a cameo in "Little Boss" as the voice of the "Jedi-Man" who hired Blizz to retrieve a box for him on Hoth.

Languss Tuno's voice is provided by Gary Schwartz. While Tuno's Holonet entry stated that he was born on Dac, the Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia later clarified that he was born on Varn.

Languss Tuno's name is a play on langostino, a Spanish term for the meat of the squat lobster.

