Shai Tenna

Shai Tenna, a Weequay male, held the position of leader within a group affiliated with the White Maw pirates. He was active during the times of the Cold War and the Galactic War, conflicts that pitted the Galactic Republic against the reconstituted Sith Empire.


During the Galactic War in 3642 BBY, Rogun the Butcher dispatched Tenna to Hoth with the purpose of seizing control of the White Maw pirate organization. Simultaneously, a smuggler, who would later become known as the Voidhound, arrived on the icy planet. This smuggler was operating as a privateer for the Galactic Republic and was in search of a cloaking device utilized by the White Maw to conceal their vessels.

Languss Tuno, Tenna's subordinate, arranged a meeting between his boss and the Voidhound, the latter of whom was attempting to join the White Maw. Tenna informed the smuggler that they would need to complete a task before being accepted into the group. Kandhar, his competitor, was negotiating with Imperials to obtain cold-weather droids and blasters in an effort to gain favor with the White Maw's Gen'Dai leaders. Tenna delegated the specifics of this task to his slave, Alilia.

After the Voidhound accomplished the task by turning Kandhar's own forces against him, Tenna broke their agreement and cast the smuggler into a wampa cave, initiating a coup against the White Maw.

Tenna later confronted the Voidhound within the remains of the Star of Coruscant, having taken Tuno, the turncoat, prisoner. The smuggler had discovered that the cloaking device was, in reality, a mentally challenged Force-sensitive Kitonak known as Trick. Tenna and his crew attacked the Voidhound, but the gangster met his end during the confrontation.

